Pretty sure the OP is now frightened and discouraged from even attempting SCUBA as sport …(“All I wanted was a recommendation for a first reg …
”) and the discussion veered off towards NASA and space level tech…
Or maybe excited because he got the advice from people who actually know the stuff

@EricSm fine. My doubt was different but more basic/foundational, and I think I found the answer - nitrogen act in a way to reduce the reactions efficiency apparently.
However, I am interested in your opinion.
I am one of those silly people who like to have mk25+g260 on oxy tanks (yes, @rsingler

I am thinking of:
- o-ring material
- lubricants
- materials of membranes and other parts
Am I missing anything?
In your opinion, is this doable or should everyone (EVERYONE) stick to oxy-approved regs?