North Sulawesi (Bangka, Lembeh) two months ago and some interesting sightings.
Marionia sp. in Lembeh :
Phyllodesmium Crypticum in Lembeh, 10m away from the Marionia, -also had 2 blue ring octopus and a Phyllodesmium Magnum, was a great dive indeed!- :
Cannibal nudi
Gymnodoris Rubropapulosa swallowing a
Ceratosoma Gracilimum nudi gills, 5 times its size, while an emperor shrimp was running frantically on the bigger nudi :
Kaloplocamus Acutus nudi in Lembeh, not more than 1cm :
Even smaller, maybe 3mm - I couldn't just figure what the guide was pointing- a
Hermaea sp. nudibranch, thanks to my Aquako lens. and this is a 50% crop from the original pic. :
Nembrotha Yonowae seems like enjoying a dancing show of an arthropod on a ball tunicate :
Emperor shrimp riding a
Ceratosoma Tenue nudi :
Quite common but I liked the image, an
Hypselodoris Apolegma nudi in Bangka :
Hypselodoris maculosa on a leaf in Bangka :