Nothing like a Type 1 DCS hit to put everything into perspective...

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rmediver2002 once bubbled...

DCS incidents are often looked on as something to be embarassed of and although in isolated instances this may be the case many times there is no direct mistake or cause.

I wish folks would take the time to learn a bit more about the injury itself and not rush to judgement when someone does get bent that they should be embarassed by the incident.

I am more scared of the number of folks out there who failed to mention a symptom because of this attitude and run the risk of having a permanant injury due to stupid pride...

I totally agree with you....I think DCS incidents should be looked upon as sports injuries. And if there is any question at all that you might be experiencing a symptom get on the O2 right away.

I had an instance awhile back in which I experienced symptoms 15 minutes from when I stepped back on the boat. Within 5 minutes I was on O2 and after 20 minutes of O2 the symptoms had resolved....tingling and numbness in hand and fingers, never mind that I felt pretty crappy. Others on the boat were skeptical but rather than sit there and debate with them I got myself on O2......we can discuss it while I am breathing was my thought. Was it a hit? I don't know but since it was resolved with O2, I believe it was. The dive was a trimix dive with a pretty conservative deco schedule..and there were no problems on the dive itself, it was an awesome dive.

I guess my message is if there is any doubt get on the O2....the sooner the better. Get enough sleep the night before, stay hydrated, and don't rush to be the first one up the ladder.

DivingGal once bubbled...
Want to say thanks to DL for posting the info, as I was not aware of the "thumb and first 2 digits info", and as a result have updated my medical sheet/questionaire that I carry in my dive log book with me.

Would you mind sharing/posting that questionaire with the rest of us?

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