You know it.deepreef:I know I'll rue the day when my kids stumble on it, though.

"Tourette Syndrom must be heredetary, dad ..."
"At least I won't go diving in MY skimpy clothing ..."
"What do you mean home by ten? YOU know the nature of exploration."
And reminding her to "stay within her limitations" will just get one word: "Necker!"
You won't hear the end of it, and sooner or later there will be "A DAD'S CHILL - OFFSPRING INDUCED TOURETTE SYNDROM" floating on the internet. :mooner:
But it's a two-sided sword, look at the upside:
Any self-declared suitor :no will be scared out of town in fear of being taken for a dive.

I can already see the bumper sticker ...
"My daughter's virtue is protected by Cis-Lunar!" :linkz:
The word will spread: :11: "No way, dude, you gonna get pyled!"