Getting ripped off sucks. Period.
As Brother Bear pointed out the simplicity and layout of the shore dive sites on Bonaire do tend to make such thefts pretty easy to pull off, as at some sites a vehicle can sit unattended for quite some time, with no witnesses on hand. Also with other vehicles coming and going all the time, checking out conditions, and picking your next dive site, a thief's car or truck can slip in and out, too, waiting for the perfect opportunity at various sites, to grab and go.
Not sure placing a hidden camera would do much, as there are not a lot of places at most of these remote sites where one could place a camera inconspicuously. Besides, if thieves are really bold, I am sure they could find a buyer for a used video camera
I did notice one thing
every incident reported by VAmtnguy had in common. In every case the divers ignored the standard Bonaire precaution to leave nothing of value in their vehicle while at these sites.
We have been returning to Bonaire for quite a few years, and in all that time we have seen one pair of inexpensive sunglasses swiped form our truck, but this type of grab and go petty theft has always been an irritating reality about remote sites where you leave a car for long periods of time, like Bonaire. The precaution to leave nothing you value in your vehicle, and to leave it unlocked to prevent damage by searching thieves has been a part of the Bonaire introduction every single time we have visited the island!
I have had similar issues at trail head parking lots for remote hiking trails here, in NY, in PA and in VA. In PA I even returned from one short hike to discover that I had had two tires slashed. :shocked2:
Pure vicious vandalism, for the sake of vandalism. Such destruction for the sake of destruction has not been the case in any incidents we have ever heard of on Bonaire. That nastiness seems to be more a typical American past time.