Not that I'm counting...

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post count is a crude measurement of user activity on the board. In that respect, it can be a useful tool. This especially true when someone offers a theory or even an experience. Seeing more than "one" post tells us that the user has some history with us and probably knows better than to spout off fallacious advice (like horizontal off-gassing).

Unfortunately, many of us (me included) have many, many more posts than dives. While I don't think I qualify as a "cyber-diver", there are some who can only talk a good game and have little diving experience. This IS the internet, and the anonymity has a way of inciting people to make bigger claims than reality would dictate. After all is said and done, there is usually a LOT more said than done.
*nod* Using King Kong Matt's favorite expression of "Signal to Noise" ratio...

The more posts you have; the more leeway you are going to get. For example; me cutting down netdoc in a viscous torrent of insults is going to be taken a -lot- differently then some random dude with 10 posts.

Every so often you'll see a case where there will be playful jabbing in a thread; and someone unknown jumps in and 'plays'. Since they aren't known; it's not taken as play; it's taken as true insults.

That's another point where post count comes into play... have they been here long enough to get the leeway that the established membership that have contributed constructively gets...
viscous torrent
That's laying it on a "bit thick", eh wot??? :D
You know... I got through that post; I looked at it; I saw the spelling errors, and I thought "Hmm.. I could go through this and correct the errors; or I could go on to more important matters and serve up a nice slow pitch for Pete to knock out of the park".

Hey Pete... nice bunt.

Unfortunately, many of us (me included) have many, many more posts than dives. While I don't think I qualify as a "cyber-diver",

I have a way to go before my post count exceeds my dive count.
Unfortunately, now I am posting FAR more than diving so it may not take all that long to cross the line. :eyebrow:

Maybe I'm just new, but what does post counts have to do with all the knowledge on this board. I thought being on this board was to meet other divers and gain a better knowledge of a sport (live style) we all have come to love.

I don't care if you have 1 post or 5000 posts. If you have information about a topic, I would be happy to hear it. Just because someone has 5000 posts does not mean they know all.

Please understand I'm not trying to sound like I'm coming down on anyone. Maybe I just don't understand this post. If I have made a mistake here, please excuse me.

Just me $0.02


There are always people who count their posts like it matters but for most people they aren't really counting but they do notice a dramatic change and it worries them that something may be wrong, hence why they post here.
Yep. You always gotta keep a close eye on your post count; since that's the first sign that the non-first-amendment-honoring evil jack-booted moderators have axed another innocent thread that revealed the truth about the inhuman treatment of the member base!

As long as they don't find out about the experiments, we are OK. :D
As long as they don't find out about the experiments, we are OK. :D

experiments? Experiments!?


Damn it! I'll be back later; I gotta go get my tin foil helmet shielding!


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