Not sure if I'm bent

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Dallas, TX
Yesterday I went diving on Vancouver Island and I had a little problem. The first dive went fine but on the second dive about 20 minutes into it at 60-40 feet down, I started to ascend suddenly. I looked down and noticed my buddy was getting smaller and smaller and I looked at my depth gauge and I was rising pretty fast. I tried dumping air from my bc but I kept going up. When I reached the surface I was freaking out. The divemaster said I was probably fine. I am just worried about decompression sickness because I am flying home in a couple of days. Today my back and neck felt sore and they still kind of do but I think that was from sleeping on a bad hotel matress. Would I know for sure if I was bent? What should I do?
Hi- a question, first- Were you 40 ft down or 60 ft? I am no expert, or medical personnel, but my first impression is that you probably are not bent, but there is that possibility.

You might go to an emergency room, tell them what happened, and ask them to put you on oxygen, and see if the back and neck pains go away. If they do, you may be bent. When did the pains begin? Immediately upon surfacing, or later?

800-446-2671 Call DAN, and ask their opinion. They have 24 hr. help available.
It all happened so fast. I sure I was no deeper than 60 feet. I was probably around 45 feet but I cannot be sure. The back and neck pains began this morning (the morning after the dive). It is quite possible that the pains were from sleeping strange on a different matress. The only thing is that those kinds of pain usually go away during the course of the day, but these have persisted and are still about the same, maybe a little less painful. I will give DAN a call and see what they say.
Please report here! I do pray you are not bent, but it sounds like you need peace of mind. Let us know what DAN says, please- I am very concerned.
I am no doctor BUT I would think that you aren't bent. Generally (not all the time) but generally one knows when one is bent, especially a few hours after a rapid ascent. To be safe, call DAN and ask them. It's free to call. I wish you luck. If you don't call DAN and decide on your own that you are OK, then I suggest you take a day of diving off.
a rapid assent can cause you to bend but its the fast tisues that will bend in the case that you have suffered . theses type of bends USUALLY show within the first 2 hrs .

it could be subcontanious emphiscema excuse the spelling but I would doubt it .

check it with dan
I just talked to DAN and they told me that when I ascended my muscles tensed up and that was what caused my back and neck to hurt. They said sleeping weird on it made it worse. They toild me just to take ibuprofen a few times a day and said I should be ok to fly. That was a huge relief.
Good to hear... make sure you stay hydrated as well... water is best.
Really glad to hear you aren't bent, but what I am really glad to see is that you weren't afraid to question yourself about it!A lot of us older divers would never admit to think we were bent, never mind actually call DAN, but you posting on a forum that can be read by millions shows you have the parts to have a long and happy dive life!:)

The fact that you were on Van. Island if you happened to bent was a good thing also,(being bent is NOT a good thing) as the Canadian Forces Naval Stn. Victoria has a hyperbaric chamber and some damn fine Dr's.!
Stay well and dive safe!!:D

Oh another little trick you may have considered but by the sound of it you didn't have time is to flare!:wink:

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