All the reading I had done pointed to SS tanks being the preferred material for longevity and strength compared to Aluminum. I can flat out state I detest Aluminum 80's with a passion.
Maybe one day I will actually understand why there is so much emotion over the material a tank is made out of. It's just a TANK! It holds your gas supply. Who cares what it's made out of?
Longevity? There are aluminum tanks in use that are 30 years old. How long do they need to last? A new tank is what, $160 or so? You're going to go through BCs and regs a heck of a lot quicker and they cost a heck of a lot more money.
I remember once reading a post here on SB where some guy was saying he would flat out REFUSE the dive if the op didn't have steel tanks. So I asked : "Really? So you get to the dock first thing in the morning with all your dive buddies and all the steel tanks went out on another boat. You're going to sit on the dock and watch the boat pull away?"