lucca brassi
Even thinking on materials like tungsten , bismuth ..etc is stupid IMO . I work with with tungsten for example for research purposes stick in weight in few grams (15-20 ) cost arround 100€. 
Check your trim maybe you are overweight !
For all those which insist on exotic materials
..... maybe is a good idea to visit all countries that Americans give them support with depleted uranium from gattling guns from phalanx , hogwart assult planes, bushmaster light tanks ...... and clean all poluted area ( Baghdad , Afganistan , Serbia.... whatever.)
Cheap , heavy , see another world and good for locals... but a bit radioactive (even the marines thinks it is not
(my visit on USS carrier ))so U can harm yours lungs or made you not reproductative ,.... oooops ( and it is pyrophoric material)

Check your trim maybe you are overweight !

For all those which insist on exotic materials

..... maybe is a good idea to visit all countries that Americans give them support with depleted uranium from gattling guns from phalanx , hogwart assult planes, bushmaster light tanks ...... and clean all poluted area ( Baghdad , Afganistan , Serbia.... whatever.)
Cheap , heavy , see another world and good for locals... but a bit radioactive (even the marines thinks it is not