Soggy:Don't let that deter you. Just find an instructor who knows what he's doing. That one doesn't...a good hint was the 80% deco gas.
I'm sorry if this offends somebody but it needs to be said. DO NOT CRITICIZE other instructors if you have NO IDEA what you are talking about!:no
80% deco gas is VERY COMMON for a number of reasons. It increases your margin of safety for MOD for new divers with buoyancy issues (31 FSW). It also is the preferred method of partial pressure filling a 40cf tank to 2100psi and topping off with air in order to get 3000 psi out of your tank. He had multiple students, He needed the air. In order to get 3000 psi of 100% o2, he would need to boost with a Haskel. If you have NO IDEA what I am talking about, then you shouldn't criticize! Having 80% over 100% does not impact your deco schedule as much as you believe, and as I mentioned earlier, it is safer due to increased MOD, and a lower po2 at 10 to 20 ft.
Maybe the diver had all the experience and got FUBAR'ed wih new gear. Just because you are neutral in 8 ft of water, doesn't mean you will have proper buyoncy control at depth (with neopreme and gas compression etc...). He should have learned TO USE HIS EQUIPMENT in shallower conditions, but extended range diving is done at depth. it's not a cutesy course that you take after Advanced Open Water!
If the student had enough air to come up from depth, then he had enough lift in his wing PERIOD! the fact that he got inverted, has more to do with his task loading abilities, then the instructor's competence. I've been there, done that and had an ADVANCED OW student FREAK OUT in 8 ft of water while trying to deploy a SMB, and bolt to the surface. she is a very competent diver, but the task loading was overbearing for her at the time. she finally got it worked out and I dive with her regularely.
This is why we call it LEARNING! if everyone did it perfectly, it would be called KNOWING!!
And please if you are clueless about tech diving, or know only what your broher's sister's friend's mother's dog's squishy toy told you, DO NOT COMMENT ON IT!

We have enough missinformation out here allready.:shakehead
Rant complete
