lilycat:I'm a "newbie" and I'm going this week. The encouragement is that if you're not a newbie, don't worry...well...hmmm...does the opposite hold true?
That said, I will let all the Newbies know how things go when I get back.
(BTW, I think that people are just frustrated after being encouraged not to change plans and then having yet another set of circumstances to consider at the 11th hour. I think all of us going this week decided to be patient with Coz, its residents, and its businesses during this trying time. Please, be patient with us.
Although, we're high and dry from hurricanes (for the most part), we'll be spending one of our most precious resources in Coz this week: vacation time. It is hard won for most people -- so, again, just have a little patience with that.)
Oh, please don't misunderstand me. I DO have patience of steel

No offense intended here whatsoever, but as a newbie, you are going to be so overwhelmed with the beauty of the reefs whether from a foot away or 10 feet away that you are going to enjoy it immensely! I have mentioned this in another post, maybe on the other board...but newbies will be monitored more closely but you won't be prohibited form diving or prohibited from diving certain sites. I know the marine park has asked us all to lower our ratio of DM's to divers and I am TOTALLY for this one. Some shops put up to 12 divers per divemaster and I don't care if he is superman, that is too many people to keep track of...especially if there are new divers in the group. I have spoken to some other shop owners who are going to be sending extra divemasters out with newbies for the sole purpose of helping them with buoyancy. I do this regularly and will continue to do so.
My impatience here is only with people who ARE experienced enough on this board to know how things often get blown out of proportion on the boards and jump to conclusions and make rash decisions or statements wiothout knowing REALLY what they are talking about. The truth is that unless you operate a boat or shop here, no matter how often you come down, there are simply things that you cannot possibly know or understand...nor are you expected to.
What I am asking for, is that people not jump to conclusions or blacklist Cozumel without having some confidence in your dive operation. I also encourage people to stop speculating and to trust those of us who DO operate here. People who know me and who have dove with me...KNOW that I am a straight shooter. I won't lie to you just to get your business, or in this case to get you to come to Cozumel. In some cases, my blunt honesty has cost me customers because I refuse to make empty promises that I can't guarantee. I do my BEST to accommodate specific requests, but if I can't guarantee it, I won't.
I also STRONGLY encourage you all to read the first hand dive reports that are and will be coming in from people who have been here since Wilma. These reports will give you alot of information and will give you clear indications of how the diving is, how the rules are being enforced, etc. You can also contact them directly if they provide info and you can ask them specific questions.
My whole point is that the assumptions, speculations and misinterretations are out of hnd and causing unnecessary and widespread panic among upcoming Coz vacationers.
If it is the DIVING that you are coming down for, then you are in luck! That is the best thing Cozumel has going right now. Despite the damage (that most of you will not even notice) the diving is fabulous...and that is NO LIE! In fact, I went diving with my friends at Deep Blue the other day. We had two AMAZING dives, and Debbie asked me what I thought afterwards. I told her "If I didn't KNOW a hurricane had come through, I wouldn't have known the difference."
If your main reasons for coming to Cozumel are for luxurious resorts and beachcombing, then perhaps you should wait a few more months until those luxurious resorts open. One thing I do know for sure, is that when all of these hotels DO reopen...they will be more beautiful than before. This is a good chance for all to upgrade those things that they just didn't have the opporunity to do before.
Speaking of hotels, Caribe Blu is REALLY coming along nicely. I spent some time talking to Alejandra yesterday and walked around the hotel...they are making phenominal progress and making upgrades in the process that I will save for later

I apologize to all if I came across as impatient or upset last night. The truth is that it IS frustrating to read all of this knowing how hard we are all working to get things back to normal for us as well as YOU ALL who make our livlihoods possible to begin with.
I have received various memo's from the marine park and have been briefed by Pedro who has attended several of the meetings on my behalf when I was in Texas. I also spoke directly withe the marine park yesterday to get a basic briefing. As mentioned above, I will make every possible effort to get each of these issues specifically addressed and post before I leave on Friday.
In the meantime, I ask that you all please give us a chance and please relax a little. Cozumel is alive and is coming back even stronger!!!