WicketsMom:We're arriving Wednesday, 11/23 and would have probably delayed if I had known there would be the night diving restrictions since that's one of my favorite things to do. I don't really have a problem with some of the sites being closed. I figured some of the sites would be closed due to damage, but I still haven't done all of them in all the times I've been to Cozumel, and definitely haven't seen everything on the ones I have seen. If they're closing the ones with the most damage, I would prefer to dive on the healthier reefs anyway. But, the dive operator we're using (Dive Paradise) did tell me that shore night diving is still available from our hotel (VillaBlanca). I prefer not to do shore night dives in Cozumel, but if it's the only way we can do it this time we'll do it - it's not the first time we've done one there, although there is alot more to see if you can dive from a boat.
Just my opinion, but I don't realistically see a way to enforce a 3m distance from the reef. I think that this is just to give them more leeway to deal with those with bad bouyancy control - and we've all seen our share of those on the reefs. I think that most operators will continue to operate as they did before the restrictions, and if you display good bouyancy and stay off the reefs (like we all should be doing anyway) that you will still be able to get up close to see the critters. At least I hope so since I'm still taking my camera and hope to get some good shots.
I'll post an update when we get back as to the impact of the restrictions and the quality of the diving when we get back. We're still looking forward to our trip, just viewing it as more of an 'adventure' this time and we don't think we made a mistake by going ahead with our plans on our regular schedule.
THANK YOU! YOU understand and can read between the official lines. I wish everyone could understand this rather than deciding to blacklist Cozumel for rules they aren't even sure of or how they will be enforced.
Have a wonderful trip and we look forward to your report!