Christi, i know you've had it up to here with this thread but could you clarify one thing? No night dives whatsoever or is it because the reefs are closed? I'm leaning to no night diving but want to hear it from you
Honestly, I haven't heard that night dives are prohibited. The way I read the memo was that they are restricted to the sites that are open and that operators are to use their discretion on who to take on night dives. However, the fact that the four main night dive locations are closed really makes night dives a limited option right now...even if not prohibited. Even before, night dives further south were not common or encouraged due to stronger currents, and various other factors.
I am going to TRY to get to the marine park this afternoon and address each and every one of these "rules" specifically and individually.
1. Does anyone know what the limitations on cameras are, specifically? I mean, enforced or not, what is the current letter of the law regarding cameras and diving on Cozumel?
2. What does this strictly enforced snorkel vests line mean?
Again, I have not heard or read this except on Cozumel Insider. I have seen several divers out this week with cameras (both underwater and at SI's) and I have taken my camera down as has one of my customers. I did specifically ask the marine park yesterday if cameras were prohibited, and she said NO...but that the reef has to be respected and we have to be more careful than ever.
Snorkel vests, I imagine this is intended for the big "cattle snorkel" tours. The vest keep people from going under and damaging what little is left. To be very honest with you though, there is not much at all to see snorkeling right now except maybe at Palancar gardens. Generally speaking, the winter months are not suitable for snorkeling in my opinion...due to the choppier surface conditions...of course there are better days than others.
Again, I am going to address each of these issues individually IF I get a chancve before I leave on Friday for MY long, long awaited vacation that has been in the making for two years

Fortunately, it was completely paid for over 6 months ago.
It was my impression that Punta Sur was one of the more popular dive sites, and that it was in the south, and that it was rather deep. I seem to remember that some of the other sites are also in the south, but I don't have my map on me at the moment. I'm sorry if I was mistaken. But if I wasn't, and some of these are indeed southern, deep sites, then why are they closed? Wouldn't the deep sites have been the least affected? And if they are not closed, then in what ways is the use of these sites "limitted"?
I don't know WHERE this came from. I mean I know where YOU got it...but I agree it is a very confusing statement and contradictory to another statement in the same write-up. I was specifically told that these sites are open and we have in fact dove the following sites since I have been back on the island...with and without customers (Punta Sur, Columbia, Columbia Deep, Palancar Bricks, Palancar Horseshoe, Palancar Gardens, Francesa, Delila, Francesa, Paso del Cedral, Santa Rosa, San Francisco, Punta Tunich, and Las Palmas) We were planning maracaibo today, but the port was closed due to a norte. It is now open, but my divers decided to offgas today because they've been diving 3 to 4 tanks everyday so far.
We are going in February regardless of the restrictions. Like someone said even a bad day diving in Cozumel is better than most other places you can dive. I certaintly have no interest of cancelling my flights and going somewhere else.
You have the right attitude, THANK YOU! Besides that, I think that by February people will find things almost completley back to normal around here. No doubt, we (as in Marine Park guides) WILL be watching buoyancy control and monitoring divers closely for these things...but not in a way that anyone would even notice anything differently. We HAVE to do what we can to protect the reefs.
Christi thanks for setting the record straight!!!
We were supposed to be flying down this Thursday but, American cancelled our flight and we are now heading to Curacao. Hopefully we can get to Coz sometime next year.
Heck I think those rules should stay permanently, minus the night diving ban on some reefs. Some people don't get it.
Thank YOU for understanding the reality of the situation. Have a great trip to Curacao and hopefully we'll see you in Coz very soon!
to be continued...too long to make as one post...