We are working out the details and trying to come up with some options, it will just take time. I know that I told Matt and a number of other divers a while ago that solo diving was not allowed at the quarry and it was only a matter of time before they start enforcing it. I am pretty sure that at the time I started talking to people most were diving without asolo certification. If you sucked it up and got your solo card, that certification will (may?) be honored in the future but the park district needs to get used to the idea that we are not suicidal lunatics. I am not allowed to dive in the quarry alone either, and that cuts into my maintenance of the quarry so I am right there with you with not being happy about it, but I like diving there and its their park so they get to make the rules.
The unfortunate death at the other quarry just got the park district lawyers looking at the stuff they "do not allow" a little closer. Don't be surprised when they start enforcing the "No diving in the tunnel without a permit" rule more agressively as well. That rule carries a heavier fine, and with people posting on YouTube their dives in the tunnel with no permit, on weekdays and not following the rules, they are just begging for problems. I talked with the guys at the park district last week and am trying to come up with a compromise similar to what we do with the tunnel. I ask everyone to give it some time. Trying to work around the rules or getting people riled up about it won't help. Solo divers are a small minority still.
As you know, Solo diving has never been allowed at White Star without the proper certification. The big Problem is that there are too many people, you may know a few, who are driving to white star and diving solo without the proper certification, and if they have the certification, not diving they way that they were taught. They are parking their car, jumping in without ponies, not letting anyone know that they are diving, and coming out with noone else anywhere around that would even know they were missing. There is a lot of liability problems in the world today and unfortunately it is not divers we have to worry about, its their family that takes care of the lawsuits. An incident was all it took to get everyone looking a little more closely. Not the first time this has happened and it won't be the last.
Give it a couple of weeks and find a buddy or two to dive with in the meantime. Follow the rules and let the people who want this to work, work it out.
Thank you to everyone who is supporting White Star this Year, we are continually working to make it better.
Dive Safe,
P.S. As far as the rules, I still get people who try to bring spear guns, people who show up without any dive certification who are not in a class and people who are asking about allowing their friends to try scuba if they were careful. Truth is when you try to make it idiot proof God makes a better idiot.
P.P.S. I am pretty sure that solo diving is not permitted or encouraged in any of the other quarries. I know there is a thread somewhere where this was discussed at length.