Sounds good James, but my thoughts will probably still be that all things being equal, there's no possible way that diving Nitrox "as air" is a safer bet, hands down. It's just too obvious. Anythign else would turn the Nitrox tables and chemistry upside-down.
Which is, of course wrong.
So there has to be other reasons why people are taking similar numbers of hits doing the same "profile" of Air vs Nitrox.
(I personally DON'T believe what you're saying, but at least I'll wait to be proven incorrect, it's no problem with me).
Don't worry, if you're not diving Nitrox much, you'll probably not remember what you SHOULD be remembering
I've found most students (It totally amazes me, by the way) how much they still don't "Get It".
I've talked to a lot of students 3 months after a Nitrox course, and when discussing an upcoing dive, they can't "plan" a damn thing as it pertains to Nitrox mixes etc......
They seem to have no clue as to the Po2, times, ox-tox limits for a particular dive.......nothing. I'm blown away.
Learn it well, it's the (mathematic) base for all future Adv Nitrox/Trimix courses.
Which is, of course wrong.
So there has to be other reasons why people are taking similar numbers of hits doing the same "profile" of Air vs Nitrox.
(I personally DON'T believe what you're saying, but at least I'll wait to be proven incorrect, it's no problem with me).
Don't worry, if you're not diving Nitrox much, you'll probably not remember what you SHOULD be remembering

I've found most students (It totally amazes me, by the way) how much they still don't "Get It".
I've talked to a lot of students 3 months after a Nitrox course, and when discussing an upcoing dive, they can't "plan" a damn thing as it pertains to Nitrox mixes etc......
They seem to have no clue as to the Po2, times, ox-tox limits for a particular dive.......nothing. I'm blown away.
Learn it well, it's the (mathematic) base for all future Adv Nitrox/Trimix courses.