Great Questions on the Monk Seal. Gave me an excuse to get online and check some of my facts! All my personal documentation refers to the monk seal as the "most endangered in North America." BTW - as it relates to my previous posts -tne Florida manatee count from my research idicated little more than 2200 in 2001 (3,276 worldwide). Hawaiian monk seals are the only endangered marine mammal species with their entire population in the U.S.
Here's a little of what I know - or learned this morning for anyone interested in this topic.
At last count there are 120 Marine Mammal species identified. 22 of those species are listed as endangered or threatened. 5 are listed as depleted stocks.
Numbers are very hard to come by (especially accurate ones) as you can imagine for a host of reasons. Biologists that I have spoken with have indicated this to me on a number of occasions for various reasons including their hesitation to "ever" verbally indicate possible recovery trends. Whalers in particular would no doubt be jumping at the opportunity to argue more whales = reason to resume/ increase takes.
Anyway, these following numbers are the best I could gather thus far...
The Meditteranean Monk Seal is "FAR MORE" endangered with numbers believed to be between 350-550. It is believed that Greece holds approx 1/2 the remaining population. (The Caribbean Monk Seal was last sighted in 1952 and officially declared extinct in 1996).
The most endangered marine mammal is believed to be the Northern Right Whale with numbers at or around 350 in the north atlantic - and high 10'2 to low 100's in the north pacific.
Other MM's at their population estimates as I could find...
Blue Whales (Once 200,000) now 10,000 or less
Cal. Sea Otter (Once 250,00) now 1925
Steller Sea Lions 40,000 (though pop. has dropped 80% in the last 30 years)
Well, it's a start. Thanks for the post and I hope you make it to Kauai one day to see our monk seals as well. All week we've had sightings on both Lawai and Poipu beaches! They are beautiful and amazing animals for sure. We are very lucky here on Kauai!
Best of island wishes as always