Night dive tonight? Hibiscus Street

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Just me
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Lauderdale By The Sea
# of dives
500 - 999
I've got 2400 psi that I HAVE to use before I return a a tank tomorrow AM- waste not, want not. Anybody wanna come on down to my house around 7:30- 8 PM?
I've got 2400 psi that I HAVE to use before I return a a tank tomorrow AM- waste not, want not. Anybody wanna come on down to my house around 7:30- 8 PM?

Will I do?

Oh, yeah! Can we add Melissa?
Oh, yeah! Can we add Melissa?

I'm working on it. She's at practice right now, I'll know in a hour.

Cool! I'll be home from work by 7:30-Any of the other usual suspects? Grier? Jenny?
Would love to join you, but it will have to be another time. Enjoy the dive! As an alternative, you can just immerse yourself in your tub with your regulator attached to the tank :D
Gee! Sure wish I could go!

Went our in Lake Ouachita (Arkansas) yesterday and today. 4 dives yesterday and 2 today. Lots of fun, but lack of beach diving opportunity and that salt taste in your mouth that makes the experience so much fun. I did get some fish in my fridge though! Marvel, I really envy your location right on the beach, but I guess that is a choice I could have made had I been smart enough.

It was so much fun diving with you a couple months back. Hope I can do that again next year. Wanted to head south next month, but several friends having major medical problems and we hate to leave at a time when they will probably need help.

Have fun and tickle a lobster for me. Make a good post-dive report so I know what I missed.

Well, Rick when the ocean is right outside your door, a reg in a bathtub just doesn't cut it!

Chuck, come on back any time!

So, it turned out to be just Marc & I although Mike did go out to snorkel with us. Marc had a blast with his new's so bright on the LOW setting that it put's Mike's portable sun to shame- we'll have to rename his light "portable moon."

Headed out at about 8 PM- lots of current running south so, we dropped on the edge of the reef & started heading NE. Marc was finding so much with his light that we spent a long time getting to the reef proper- there were just so many little critters being captured by his light. Really good dive- I like just poking around & going nowhere- that's what I do when I go out alone.

So, I freely admit, I'm not the best at ID'ing the critters but we did see several different kinds of shrimp, crabs, & beaucoup lobster just taunting us :wink:. Marc was gloveless & netless but that didn't stop him from trying to catch a few- he had his hands on a couple but, the spines jabbed him & he wasn't able to keep a hold of them.

Lots of baby skates out there last night, a flounder sleeping in the sand, a really cool eel- pretty big- his body was about the thickness of my forearm & we couldn't judge his length. Saw a group of three squids feeding on the way back in- they let us get really close- too caught up in their feeding to care about us. Ummm... lots of other stuff that I can't ID or remember. We were down about an hour and a half fighting current the whole time. When we finally headed back south, the current ride was way too short & even though we headed back from a spot I know, & know the compass heading for, we still wound up one building south of my house. But, at least I'm taking the tank back this morning with only a thousand pounds instead of 2400... :wink:
It was a great dive - truthfully the best night dive I've been on yet. Marvel's a great buddy as always, though for some reason I always seem to get a new leak somewhere when we dive. :D My new NiteRider light is amazing - with the extra light you see everything. It runs from 12-32W, and I really never had a need to bump it up from 12W except when scanning out as far as we could see a couple of times. I can't believe I've missed so much out there before. As Marvel said, we found so much on the rubble patches we spent half the dive there before we even hit the reef.

The chestnut eel was amazing and Marvel got so close to it I kept running first aid responses though my head. :) Stuff I haven't seen before included the spotted lobster that my finger tells me is very closely related to the spiny lobster; red striped peppermint shrimp; ciliated false squillas in their burrows; feather stars that would pull their arms back into the crevice when approached; the blood red insides and tentacles of the fileclams; junvenile scorpion fish; and those three large reef squid that let us approach as close as we did.

Mike did snorkel above us for a short bit, and startled me once by coming up behind us from the surface with his light blazing. But he did get his comeuppance later when we found out he have surfaced into jelly and got stung pretty badly on his back. We did offer to pee on him to help relieve the pain, but he decided to tough it out and politely declined our offer. :D


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