I read the links:
"Four other storms have had winds as strong in the overall Atlantic region but they were in the Caribbean Sea or the Gulf of Mexico, which are usually home to warmer waters that fuel cyclones. Hurricane Allen hit 190 mph in 1980, while 2005's Wilma, 1988's Gilbert and a 1935 great Florida Key storm all had 185 mph winds."
And then there was the Great Hurricane of 1780, which killed more than 20,000 people.
So, it seems that Irma, to me, while a beast, is not some strange new type of beast.
I also came across this page, for people who like nice charts and colorful graphs:
Hurricane Irma Is NOT the Most Powerful Atlantic Hurricane Ever Recorded.
and a couple of other graphs....
( I feel so dirty)
Of course everyone knows that you can find charts, graphs, and tables to say, prove, or disprove just about anything in any direction, at any time, and anywhere.
Like I just did (but will certainly be thoroughly discredited in some way).
And of course being reasonable and well-educated people, no one has unrealistic expectations for deniers to accept any data put in front of them no matter how convincing, nor climaphobes to validate anything casting doubt.