Just gonna go out on a logical limb here for a bit... let's go ahead and suggest that Climate scientists have little to gain - financially- at getting their scientific findings discovered and then accepted by a politician.
They would gain some credibility within their peers, and if not a Ph.D. already could secure some sort of Ph.D. status - which in turn has it’s own merit and could also become lucrative. Most of these guys aren't looking for acceptance from Chevron, or Exxon.
Let’s suggest for a moment that Climate Scientists don’t even need Big Oil. Ok, fine. But Big Oil needs them. It needs them on their side of the fence.
The Green Movement is little grains of sand compared to the mountain sized petroleum mining entities like OPEC. Saudi Aramco, Exxonmobile, China National Petroleum Company.
I believe most of these scientists are truthful about what they’ve been researching and finding out about the planet getting warmer for a few dozen years now. Let’s italicize the word 'believe' and 'most'. Im standing by them.
When these guys run up against an entrenched oil-based economy here in the States, i.e. Conoco Philips, Anadarko Petroleum, and massive corporate oil interests with huge lobbying power in Washington DC ( think: suitcases of ca$h) and little weasel like men who can find a potential slimy governor who will tow the line of big oil + big business - at no matter what the cost...is anybody really surprised at the spin and the lies these dingbats will weave ? These oil interests are big enough to buy entire companies of scientists, and create their own image. They can in turn cast their own truth and project it onto you. If that’s not evil - then I don’t know what is.
Again- is anybody shocked that some dude from Oklahoma - a massive oil reserve state - represents oil companies, to the level where he gets appointed to head up NASA ? We live in the Land of Orange Julius now. Everything is up for sale.
Now excuse me while I go fill up my gas guzzling Nissan Xterra.