This is where you depart from science in favor of opinion.
Will Irma have a huge economic impact on Florida? Sure. Of course Irma was a huge storm, but you can't possible predict or prove that damage is worse that the previous century, or the unknown outcome had humans become extinct 500 years ago. There are just too many random factors involved. Even if we accept the most popular forecast for AGM, I still believe political economic forces are a far greater threat to human life over the next 200 years.
Look at the economic / political tragedies of just the last 125 years. Millions killed by facists ,nazis, communists, and genocides of other various themes. Look at plagues etc. Then consider how close Greece came to imploding from economic malpractice. I see the USA as haveing a sort of unique landscape with 50 semi independent governments. Of our "blue" states, many are in dire peril economically. CA, IL, NY, MI are all leading the race to financial ruin. Specifically, IL is in an economic death spiral, with the highest migration of their tax base leaving the state. And the state government unable to cure their addiction to overspending, just goes back the cookie jar every year and raises taxes to solve their shortfall.
Greece came very close to raiding every citizens personall bank accounts to stave off financial ruin a few years back. Ultimatly, Greece got bailed out by the EU, Puerto Rico got bailed out financially, and now will again get help for Irma. People expect that California and Illinois will eventually get bailed out by the other ~40 states ...for the greater good. But who will be there to bail out the USA when this financial avalanche finally collapses? Climate in the USA is so volatile right now over stupid sh1t, I think my fears are justified that we are not to far from a very ugly outcome.
Sorry for the doom and gloom. But I do really believe we cannot just take for granted the economic stability of the USA or the EU. Altough I tend to remain skeptical on many key points of AGW/CC, I would never ignore sound conservation or sustainability efforts that make good economic sense.
Should our government invest in solar and other technologies? Perhaps. But it needs to be de politicized and accountable to ethical and financial scrutiny. Think SpaceX verses NASA. (Haha.. tied it back to topic)