Did 1.5°C suddenly get easier? - Cicero
The paper: https://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo3031.html
Obviously, not only do not all scientists agree but those on the "climate change is the real deal" side of things do not have a good handle on the situation. Don't argue with me, read the paper. Read the articles by other scientists about the paper.
Sadly, you are mistaken. There are millions and possibly billions spent on "climate change". Money is spent on science. Money is spent subsidizing alternative energy sources - even when they're not a good choice. Money is spent on PR. Money is spent creating and selling devices to manage carbon output on things like smokestacks. Money is spent creating new ways to scrub the carbon and maybe re-use it.
Not only is there a climate change industry, it's big business - kind of like national defense.
From the paper:
Hence, limiting warming to 1.5 °C is not yet a geophysical impossibility, but is likely to require delivery on strengthened pledges for 2030 followed by challengingly deep and rapid mitigation. Strengthening near-term emissions reductions would hedge against a high climate response or subsequent reduction rates proving economically, technically or politically unfeasible
So, if we try really, really hard and reduce co2 outputs by more than the current pledges then we MIGHT meet the Paris targets.
How is that not agreeing that climate change is the real deal?