As well as this it is important to flag up that biofuels are renewable. Because you can grow another canola crop or some more corn. I realise a lot of people do not want to believe the truth that fossil CO2 is causing climate change, but even if that were not true it is a fact that fossil fuel sources are finite. At some point you have drilled all the oil, dug all the coal. With renewable technologies you can generate energy for ever. For us as a species to use up all the fossil fuel in two generations is a criminal act of selfishness.
I honestly believe there is nothing we cannot solve as a species if we have enough energy. We can easily grow enough food for twice the current population with things like hydroponics, but you need energy to do it. We can refreeze the tundra with freezer units (they use them on oil pipelines already) and stop the methane melt off. We can even begin to clean up the seas and keep the marine environment in good order for us divers to enjoy. But you need energy. Nuclear fusion is a fantastic way to generate it, but it isn't real yet. Maybe it never will work. I am not an expert and cannot say for sure. What I know is that the Chinese are way ahead of the rest of us with that project.
The future is Chinese. Communism won. Get ready to shine shoes.
I get the general direction of what you are saying and don't disagree totally, but in some details. e.g.
- You really think humanity could re-freeze the tundra? I mean even if we had nuclear fusion to power it, the enormeous refrigeratoon units would generate a lot of heat, just the production of all the stuff needed the mining to make it the transportation to make it, installing it, maintaining it... I mean , really?
In the long run, how many sooner or later failing and falling apart engineered "things" do we want to enslave ourselves to? For me, I in away already regret the day that I moved into a house that relies on a sump pump to survive dry footed. I sure would hate to see us extend that kind of philosophy globally. We can do better, but will we ever?
- Yes, the earth can sustain an even larger human population if we put our minds and efforts to it, but it and all it's other living things won't benefit from it. We'd still be raping it, just smarter so, and on an endlessly increasing scale. More and more of our resources and manpower will go towards just dealing with all that. Why do we do this? Why do we as human population continue to grow to perpetuate this? Beets me, but it's not even something that we honestly, and seriously talk about. In the long run it will havevto happen so, unless one believes in war, famine or worse as a means of global self control...
- Chinese communism, while it was that, failed spectacularly after freeing the country from occupation. Their draconian, repressive, institutionalized totalitarianism (still called communism by name, but definitely society with big time capitalist traits) does scarily and thought provokingly well for the time being. Yep, working on shoe shining skills now...