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Reaction score
Las Vegas
# of dives
25 - 49
Hey kids, by the end of tomorrow I will finally have my OW cert. WOOO HOOO!! Here is where I need some help from people who are not at my LDS's that can give me an unbiased opinion on gear. I am somewhat of a cost concious person so I try to find the best deal I can when possible. There is a Full Tusa package from a website that is to me a real bargain that includes - Tusa RS-240 reg, Platina octo, IQ-700 Hunter computer and a Tusa Imprex Pro BC. I really like the BC and the reg and octo seem to be on the upper end of Tusa lineup. The computer seems decent also but I am not sure on it yet. My LDS and my instructor PRAISE ScubaPro which is cool. The big deal with me on the SP products (well the reg and octo anyways) is their warranty. If I understand it correctly with SP if you go past your yearly service, it can be renewed the following year after being serviced. This is a big deal to me as I tend to forget exact dates and times to follow up with service like this (for me this would be an extra safeguard of the warranty). The Tusa pkg was only $1100 which again for what's included seems to be a great deal. Any assistance would be helpful. I also understand about trying several rentals before you buy but sometimes there are limitations on what you can rent before trying- like the computer and such. Another question is if there is no LDS in my area that sells Tusa can any shop service the reg and octo or any other gear or do I have to ship to Tusa for service? Ok last question- I am also looking for a watch that does may dive functions such as depth, temp, max depth, time, serface interv, and maybe even deco info, and stored logs. The Suunto D9 is maybe a little to elaborate for what I am looking for not to mention its steep price tag. I dont really want a wrist mounted computer but rather a watch that I can wear and not have to take off without looking like a dweeb.
I am a complete newb as well, so take this with a grain of salt. I got to dive with ScubaPro, Oceanic and Tusa regs today. Granted it was only in a pool at no deeper than 11 feet, but I couldn't tell a substantial difference from my brother's Tusa reg and the ScubaPro MK25/S600. I dont know what my brother's model is but I don't think it was more than $200 for the reg (minus octo) from ScubaToys. (ScubaToys absolutely rocks by the way)

That was a really eyeopener for me after reading so much about regs on the Internet. The ScubaPro was like a $600 reg setup, the Tusa was $200 setup and the Oceanic was a Titanium setup originally $1300 or so. And at 11 feet, I could barely tell a difference from any of them. Maybe at 130 I could tell a difference, but at this point I am going to be in the 40-80 foot area at most.

Larry from ScubaToys dropped a great line on me today after demoing a couple of regs. Something like "2 minutes in the pool is better than 300 hours on the Internet" when it comes to deciding which reg you like.

I guess long story, short. Can you get in the water with this stuff?
There is a Full Tusa package from a website that is to me a real bargain that includes - Tusa RS-240 reg, Platina octo, IQ-700 Hunter computer and a Tusa Imprex Pro BC. I really like the BC and the reg and octo seem to be on the upper end of Tusa lineup. The computer seems decent also but I am not sure on it yet. My LDS and my instructor PRAISE ScubaPro which is cool. The big deal with me on the SP products (well the reg and octo anyways) is their warranty.

Some TUSA regs (i.e. RS-460) are actually rebadged Scubapro regs.
Jarrett, I have not yet found a Tusa dealer here locally, the package was online (I would post the site but am not sure if I am allowed too).

Vie, I dont think the 240 is a SP rebadge. I am not certain though. But to me the big deal with the SP was the warranty renewal if you go past you anniv date for service. If I am right if you go past the yearly anniv service date for most brands then you are sorta SOL right? I figure I can get better answers here than what I am getting an my BIASED LDS. Thanks guys.

Hey keep em coming!!
Hey kids, by the end of tomorrow I will finally have my OW cert. WOOO HOOO!! Here is where I need some help from people who are not at my LDS's that can give me an unbiased opinion on gear. I am somewhat of a cost concious person so I try to find the best deal I can when possible. There is a Full Tusa package from a website that is to me a real bargain that includes - Tusa RS-240 reg, Platina octo, IQ-700 Hunter computer and a Tusa Imprex Pro BC. I really like the BC and the reg and octo seem to be on the upper end of Tusa lineup. The computer seems decent also but I am not sure on it yet. My LDS and my instructor PRAISE ScubaPro which is cool. The big deal with me on the SP products (well the reg and octo anyways) is their warranty. If I understand it correctly with SP if you go past your yearly service, it can be renewed the following year after being serviced. This is a big deal to me as I tend to forget exact dates and times to follow up with service like this (for me this would be an extra safeguard of the warranty). The Tusa pkg was only $1100 which again for what's included seems to be a great deal. Any assistance would be helpful. I also understand about trying several rentals before you buy but sometimes there are limitations on what you can rent before trying- like the computer and such. Another question is if there is no LDS in my area that sells Tusa can any shop service the reg and octo or any other gear or do I have to ship to Tusa for service? Ok last question- I am also looking for a watch that does may dive functions such as depth, temp, max depth, time, serface interv, and maybe even deco info, and stored logs. The Suunto D9 is maybe a little to elaborate for what I am looking for not to mention its steep price tag. I dont really want a wrist mounted computer but rather a watch that I can wear and not have to take off without looking like a dweeb.

Take your time, rent several different brands and models within each brand. Make sure your rental fee or a portion of it applies to the purchase. Don't necessarily go for the lowest price. That may get you a reg that is difficult to breath through.

I am an LDS.

Don't get pushed into something you may regret. Take your time. Find the brand/model that works for you.

Try Aqua Lung and SeaQuest.
Unless you plan to service your own regs., I would go with
a brand that you can get easily serviced in your area.
Borrow your friends' gear and give it a whirl before you buy.
Some LDS will also let you try before you buy. As far as the other
stuff goes, mostly it is personal taste until you get to some
advanced courses. I have a Seaquest BC, Apexs Reg, and don't
have any complaints so far.
If you wanted to spend the 1100, you could probably move up to something like a Zeagle Brigade BC. If staying with the all tusa package, you should be able to keep that below a grand.

Check out this example at about the same money:

One warning about the computer you are looking at, if you are into downloading, you must remove the computer from the housing to download it, and the cable is a bit expensive.
It's OK to mix-and-match too, an LDS may still give you pretty significant breaks when you buy things at one swoop.

I went Aeris for my BC and computer, but Sherwood on my regs (for good cold-water performance). Entirely happy with the choices (though other products are absolutely fine -- equipment, like clothes, is often a personal preference thing, rather than a given product really being "bad")
Mix and match as you see fit. Rent, try in shop pools or borrow when you can. Be sure you have local service. The more you can concentrate your purchase the more power you have.

Hold off on the computer IMO, you should not really need to spend that $ for a while.

Keep an eye on the SP warranty. Free parts are nice But watch out for SP dealers that are hollier than thou with very high labor rates and who also change some parts beyond the SP warranty sevice kit for outragous $$.

You should be able to find an LDS willing to be reasonable on the $$. If not he internet is the fallback position IMO. There are some very reputable and helpful web providers out here.

Holy smokes, thanks for all the replies! Now I have a new question, the service from the LDS, is that brand exclusive? In other words, if they dont sell Tusa, or Oceanic or whatever Reg setup I have, does that mean the chances are slimmer that they would be able to service it? The whole thing with the Tusa pkg was it was just all good gear from what I have researched so far. As far as mix'n'matching that is cool too. I have no problem spending money on my saftey (within reason of course). I also would rather spend money once rather than get a cheaper pkg or piece it together (if its even possible to do with similar gear). So the idea behind getting the comp now is that I know I will get one and have already signed up for the advanced class and have 2 dates in the works for future dives relatively soon. So I dont want to get analog gauges to only turn around and get a computer, kinda like spending money twice. I guess in this instance it (analog gauges) would be a good backup if the comp goes kaput and needs service.

Thanks keep em coming!

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