New Years Table Rock Dive

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Reaction score
Ozark, MO
# of dives
50 - 99
Well went for a COLD Dive to break in the New Year right. Went @ my favorite place Jakes Point. Visabilty was 10 to 15 feet not bad for Table Rock. Went to depth of 38 feet and played around for 18 minutes and was cold so called it a day. It was just my New Year deal I do every year at least the air temp was 58 degrees. The water temp I have no idea because I have no temp guage on my SPG.
I dove Dewey Short on 12/31 and the temps at the depth you were at were 45 degree's F, I suspect your's was very close to that.

Today at Oronogo the temps were 46 degrees from around 30 feet down to 119 feet.
I was diving a 7M what were you diving? I bet it was around 45 degrees, cold but a great way to break in the New Year :D Hope you had a good dive at Table Rock someone yesterday told me the Lake turned over. What was the vis at Oronogo?
I'd guess the vis at Oronogo was between 10 and 20 feet at best, depending on depth and location.

I was in a drysuit, I could handle the temps we had in a 7mm however the outside temps are what bother me. Of course we got pretty close to 80 and that's ok in my book and the drysuit was more of a sauna due to the temps. It's kind of like, lets get in the water and cool down.
I use the 7M in the lake and I can handle the 40 degree water and not have a problem with it. Last New Years we went with the local dive club and they used thier Drysuits and came up the same time as us and said it was cold down there. I guess with my extra insulation :wink:the water temp does not bother me. That is why I lake dive till I can go down to warmer water (FLORIDA) but do not get down there as much as I would like too. :D
Drysuits are I think able to keep you warm, or cold. It really depends on your undergarments.

For me my undergarments are an Andy's US-35 and a layer of fleese over that, probably close to a 200 weight fleese undergarment. Many freeze to death with that combo in the temps we had this weekend. I'm told that the type of drysuit also makes an impact, things like the neoprene drysuits tend to keep your warmer and a trilam is colder.

That said, I started diving drysuits because I ran across a good deal at the LDS and I figured it would help me with the surface interval more than anything else. It does help that as I thought it would so I'm happy.

I find the idea of being totally dry nice. I like not having the neoprene smell on me and not having to dry off and then wait a day or so for the wetsuit to dry. When I exit the water by the time I get into the vehicle all my gear is dry and ready to be put up, nice feature of some drysuits.

Of course there are more issues with drysuits, and the skills are a bit different. It's not that much harder or anything, just different and more expensive.
I would like a DrySuit but four kids and a wife put a damper on that idea. Maybe the IRS and my wife will be nice to me this year :D If not I am looking at a new reg that has and I need it so bad eyebrow I know I am also going to hit her up for a early B-Day present and get AOW this Spring :14:
Scuba Sports does the AOW training, I can't speak to their quality, but the cost of it isn't that much more than doing the same number of dives off their boat. Personally I think I'd rather do the AOW at Table Rock vs the quarry I did it in.
Going to Sho-Me Scuba Mike is giving winter AOW classes for $275 that is not bad. Me and my dive buddy are going to do it end of January or first of February. That is not bad for the class I think. Mike is real nice also.
Is it true there are towns that were flooded when Table Rock was created? I believe Kimberling City was moved when the White River was dammed. Is that correct? What else is there to see in Table Rock. I'm a newly minted C-card holder in StL and am planning to visit TR this summer.

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