I've yet to understand strobe focus lights. To use them you have to point the strobe AT the subject. To properly use the strobe you have to NOT point it directly at the subject. Plus, mostly they are pretty weak, lousy "focus" lights. What's the point?
So.....got 'em (they are built in), never used the feature.
Who says that you don't point the strobe at the subject? Of course you do in any close up situation this is exactly what you do.
The only thing to avoid is to have lens and strobe aligned otherwise you have backscatter
So if you point your strobes forward on the same axis of the lens then they are not direct. If your strobes are coming from side top back etc you can happily point the strobes directly to the subject
For super macro you have a standard position with the strobes on the sides of the port going forward indeed
I think there is some confusion here between edge lighting for wide angle which is a specific situation and the rest of the close up which is completely different