New To Seattle Bellevue area.

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I am looking for a place to get certified in the Seattle area. There is a store near my house called 5th Dimension. I have asked around local dive sites and stores and everyone tells me to stay away from this place. They seem like a decent operation, what am I missing here?

I am looking for a place to get certified in the Seattle area. There is a store near my house called 5th Dimension. I have asked around local dive sites and stores and everyone tells me to stay away from this place. They seem like a decent operation, what am I missing here?

Nothing. They ARE a decent operation.

Go in and talk to Mark. See what you think yourself after you chat with him, make up your own mind.

Fifth D offers SSI (or did) OW and different recreational certifications, and some GUE technical certifications, and they sell a number of lines of equipment but they are a large Halcyon dealer. Scuba in Seattle can be a pretty competitive biz (just as it is in other places.)

There are always local politics in any field or geographical location, and diving and Seattle are no different. I'm not saying ignore what the others say, but I'm saying in the final analysis you need to check it out for yourself and decide based on what you discover, not what you hear others say. PM if you have other questions.


I was trained at Silent World in Bellevue. I liked them a lot. They are also a good place to call if you don't have a dive buddy lined up for the weekend. They love to dive.
I just completed an OW class here in Seattle. I checked out 3-4 shops in the area, called and talked with them and then visited. Best analogy I have is that it is like choosing a mechanic - if his shop is neat, clean and busy it tells me he knows what he's doing. I had several shops recommended (and found out later that one of thempays a "finder's fee") but chose the place where the staff seemed the most knowledgeable. Good luck - maybe we'll see you u/w sometime.
There is nothing at all wrong with the folks at Fifth Dimention, but I would recommend having a chat with the instructors there as well as at some other shops. Taking dive classes from the right instructor is much more important than the location they teach out of. Gear is a whole other story as most shops are very loyal to certain brands and will tend to push you in that direction. Especially if you intend to take more classes down the road, it is really great to develop a relationship with an instructor that you can continue when the time is right. Happy Diving!

Thanks for all the responses to my question. I took your advice and went to 5th Dimension. I'm sorry to say that my experience was not pleasant. All the guys in there acted like they were Navy Seals or something. They had no sense of humor and they insisted that thier philosophy was the only way to dive. They told me that other setups were inferior, dangerous and that theirs way was the only safe technique. I was very dissatisfied with whoever I spoke with, Granite or Colbalt or some weird rock name. I thought diving was about having a good time, enjoyng nature and spending time with friends. These guys are more concerned with how many gauges, tanks, and deco stops you have. They can have it! I will not be going back, but thanks for your imput.
These guys are more concerned with how many gauges, tanks, and deco stops you have. They can have it! I will not be going back, but thanks for your imput.

Seriously...go to Silent World in Bellevue. Talk to Curtis, Matt, Mona or Craig - they just love to dive, and will give you honest opinions and not try to sell you one of everything in the store.

I was at Edmunds for a dive one Sunday morning and had a tank issue that pretty much killed my dive. Curtis happened to be there with a class, and gave me the tank he was going to use for his second dive. I told him I didn't want to take one of his dives, but he wouldn't hear it. No charge for the tank or anything. He just wanted me to be able to dive. (This was right after I bought a dry suit from one of their competitors...)

I'm sure there are other good shops in the area, but Silent World is the only one I've had significant experience with.

Good luck!
Thanks for all the responses to my question. I took your advice and went to 5th Dimension. I'm sorry to say that my experience was not pleasant. All the guys in there acted like they were Navy Seals or something. They had no sense of humor and they insisted that thier philosophy was the only way to dive. They told me that other setups were inferior, dangerous and that theirs way was the only safe technique. I was very dissatisfied with whoever I spoke with, Granite or Colbalt or some weird rock name. I thought diving was about having a good time, enjoyng nature and spending time with friends. These guys are more concerned with how many gauges, tanks, and deco stops you have. They can have it! I will not be going back, but thanks for your imput.

It's important to find a shop that fits your goals ... 5th Dimension has some very good instructors, but as you discovered they take a somewhat less than recreational approach to diving. For many, this is a good approach. For others, not. You can get a quality education there, but as you noted they do take a dim view of "standard" recreational scuba instruction and gear choices.

Since you're in Bellevue, I would also encourage you to give Silent World a try. One of my current AOW students ... who is a member of this board under the name JasonH2O ... was recently certified there. To my concern, he came out of his OW class with excellent skills. I believe Craig was his instructor ... and if Jason is indicative of the quality of Craig's instruction, I would say he's a very good instructor.

There are other shops in your area that also offer good Basic Open Water classes. Bubbles Below is in Woodinville, and they have three very good instructors that I know ... Laurel, Tim, and Jerry. Northwest Sports Divers is in Kenmore ... and I trained with Brian and Jeanna, who teach there. I would recommend them enthusiastically, as I know they put a lot of effort into teaching their students proper skills. Starfish in Seattle has some quality instructors ... I have worked with Cheryl in the past, and know that she teaches a very good class. And the owner, Randy Williams, has been diving in this area for decades and is someone I regularly learn from ... both as a diver and an instructor. I can't say enough good things about him and his dive shop.

I would recommend contacting each of these shops, interviewing the instructors, and then making a decision which shop best suits your needs.

Oh ... and once you get certified ... let's go diving!


... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I completely agree with Bob...all 4 shops have a very good reputation and you can't go wrong with any of them. Fifth D has a very good reputation as well, just sounds like they aren't what you're looking for. You have to feel comfortable at the shop you're taking the class through and the instructor you're doing it with.

I would suggest you talk to each of the shops Bob listed above and make your decision based on your comfort level.

I am the Brian at Northwest Sports Divers Bob referred to and would be happy to meet with you and discuss your training. I can also confidently recommend Cheryl at Starfish, and I can also say with confidence that Randy runs a good shop at Starfish.

It all depends on your comfort level with the instructor and fortunately you have some really good choices.


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