Doug Krause
I (nor the company) ever once, in any media, announced anything about the NOAA deal. I did not personally know of many of the details that I have since read about here - but quite honestly, did not feel good about promoting the fact that we were selected due to a problem or problems with a competitor's reg. John_B did PM me, asking what I felt about this type of "advertising" - my response is that neither of the guys that have posted the details made it up or wrote the press release - my understanding is that it's copied from an article in Undercurrent - which I have not seen. Someone apparently thought that it was appropriate for print - and some thought it was appropriate to post here - I might have done the same thing if I thought an article was interesting, thought-provoking, potentially valuable to others, - the list goes on. That's what this community is all about - and everyone has a fair opportunity to voice support or disagreement.