With all due respect - unless you actually live here or have a business here, it really is not your place or concern to discuss local politics or government nor do you really have an understanding of it - nor should you be expected to. Come enjoy your vacation.
I could comment on every point - but this one is the one that raised the hair on the back of my neck
"The new mayor has made some controversial decisions, can we talk about local politics that relate to Coz, or is all political talk banned?"
Are you aware that the previous administration that just left office emptied out all Government offices - I'm talking about furniture, computers, equipment, EVERYTHING - and left debts like never before? They left the new Mayor with very little to work with - and they basically stole from the taxpayers of this island - furniture and equipment are paid for by taxpayers! So before you make statements like that about the new Mayor - please make sure you have the facts straight.
The people of Cozumel were tired of the corruption within local government and voted for change - the losing party is not taking it so well and are behaving like petulant children and delinquents!
Perla will be amazing if given the chance - she's only been in office for 2 months and was left with a **** pile to clean up!