New Mac OS X Dive App

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4 problems:

1) SAC rate isnt being calculated. I have my start/stop pressure entered.
2) Every dive location is grayed out and not selectable (to edit name). I imported a new dive and cannot change the location and site name. The inspector only has a pull down menu containing the names of previous dives.. I cant seem to be able to manual enter in information for these 2 fields.
3) Photos from previous dives are not coming up when I click on the icon in the profile graph. The pictures are there and the path is still the same. However, the 1 dive imported to test the new version does show the picture when I click on the icon.
4) Finally, the summary for all dives reflects a false number for Max Depth.

I hope I dont sound disappointed. Im only trying to help work out any possible kinks. The program is amazing Im glad your charging for your hard work. I love the new GUI.
Yes the new app looks good! It has some quirks I think, but I'm sure they will be smoothed out eventually.

Some of my local dives appear in different states and some of my dives in different countries do not appear at all in the map.

I also had the SAC calculation not appear in most of my dives where this info was entered, but I wonder if this has something to do with the app just being a trial.
4 problems:
1) SAC rate isnt being calculated. I have my start/stop pressure entered.

This works differently now. You need to create a tank (in Gear). Then give that tank a tank size (and working pressure if you're imperial). Then, you need to add that tank to your dives.

There is a slight bug in v2, where it doesn't correctly create tanks automatically when the database is upgraded. This is fixed for the next patch, but you'd need to revert your database in order to get any benefit from it.

2) Every dive location is grayed out and not selectable (to edit name). I imported a new dive and cannot change the location and site name. The inspector only has a pull down menu containing the names of previous dives.. I cant seem to be able to manual enter in information for these 2 fields.

Create a site in the Sites view. Then open the dive in the info window (File -> Get Info, apple + i, or the blue i icon on the toolbar). Change the site there, under General.

This is all so that sites can be used as actual entities and have statistics stored against them (average rating, average depth etc).

3) Photos from previous dives are not coming up when I click on the icon in the profile graph. The pictures are there and the path is still the same. However, the 1 dive imported to test the new version does show the picture when I click on the icon.

Cheers - bug. Fixed for the next version.

4) Finally, the summary for all dives reflects a false number for Max Depth.

Also fixed for the next ver.

I hope I dont sound disappointed. Im only trying to help work out any possible kinks. The program is amazing Im glad your charging for your hard work. I love the new GUI.

Cheers - apologies for the rough edges. Working on them..

As for price - I assumed most people who have provided feedback over the years (far out!) would upgrade, and I've taken that into account. I think (well I hope) it's pretty reasonable.
Some of my local dives appear in different states and some of my dives in different countries do not appear at all in the map.

Can you email me your MacDive.sqlite file and a description of what exactly is wrong? I'll take a look.

I also had the SAC calculation not appear in most of my dives where this info was entered, but I wonder if this has something to do with the app just being a trial.

Nothing to do with the trial. See above. It just works a little differently, and the upgrade forgot to take it into account.
Ok, Ive got it all figured out now. Just one last curiosity. Why is the Location and Site Name grayed out? Its not a functional issue, I was just curious.

Anyway, thank you so much t0w. If nothing else, your constant attention is worth the price. I do think the price is reasonable considering the value.
Ok, Ive got it all figured out now. Just one last curiosity. Why is the Location and Site Name grayed out? Its not a functional issue, I was just curious.

Ah - this is because sites are now "objects". So what you do is create a site in Sites, and then you use the dive info panel (apple + i, blue info icon etc) and you can change the site there under General.

I hadn't come up with a good way to be able to do this via the table, so it's grayed out to indicate you can't modify it there. But you can modify it in the info panel.

Hope that makes sense. I realise it's not ideal, but as soon as I come up with a better idea (or someone else makes a suggestion!) then I'll look at improving it.

Anyway, the whole point of this is that now sites can properly be shared between dives. They also have stats tracked - the average depth at the site, the number of dives you've done there, your average rating for the site. It makes things a lot cleaner.

I guess that's a common issue: things are different in places, so it can be a little confusing. I hope that once you figure out how things work, and why they work that way, it makes sense and is better in the long run. So feel free to ask any questions, as I know there are differences.

I want to give MacDive 2 a try, but will installing it erase my MacDive 1 version, or can I have both installed?

If I decide not to upgrade for the time being I still want to keep the data and version of MacDive that I have now. It that doable?

Thanks for your hard work. I am sure that with continued improvements, MacDive 2 could become very successful. ;)

I want to give MacDive 2 a try, but will installing it erase my MacDive 1 version, or can I have both installed?

If I decide not to upgrade for the time being I still want to keep the data and version of MacDive that I have now. It that doable?

Thanks for your hard work. I am sure that with continued improvements, MacDive 2 could become very successful. ;)

You can't run both. Macdive 2 upgrades the database you had for version 1 and it's no longer functional in v1.

But it does back up the database before it does this. You'll find a MacDive.sqlite.backup in the usual macdive dir under Application Support.

You can delete the new one and rename that back if you want to go back to v1.
New (again) diver... and relatively new (again) Macintosh user here. Spent ten days and fourteen dives last week recertifying and familiarizing myself with current practices after more than 20 years out of the water. Got MacDive for electronic logging, although I didn't (at the time) own a computer. I logged all my dives manually in MacDive 2.0, since I didn't have a data cable for the rental Suunto Vyper I used.

After entering as much data as I could easily input manually, I dinked around with the app, clicking on the "View Statistics" icon and checking out the various report pages on offer. On the "General" tab, it reports Max Depth as 285.43 feet and Average Depth as 0.000 feet. I haven't figured out an average yet, but my deepest dive was 87 feet.

Is this an artifact of the manual entry that will straighten itself out when I start downloading data from my shiny new Wisdom 2?

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