New gear questions...brands

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Charlotte, NC
WOW! How long has this SCUBA thing been around?!? Took a resort course in Negril a week ago and boy have I got the bug now! Paniced on my first and only available dive (flying out the next day) when I couldn't get my left ear to equalize, didn't want to abort so forced it and messed up the ear drum. Nothing a little steroids and antibiotics won't clear up and the hearing loss isn't permanent. (Good one rookie!)

As soon as I got back I went to my LDS and have asked the wife (heretoafter refered to as "The Evil One or She Who Must Be Obeyed-and yes I say that with love and affection because she is also the one that keeps me out of the Nut and Poor Houses) when we could got through the real deal of certification. We plan to next month.

I have to say "Thanks" and kudos to you all. I have learned more from this message board that I ever thought possible. Nothing teaches like experience, but if I can "cheat" or get an advantage by listening to the advice of others, why not. Chances are that some of you have forgotten more than I will ever learn. But I'm rambling on, so thanks again.

Not to beat a dead horse on new gear purchases and where to get it from, and I now know the importance of trying things on and "whatever feels best, works best for me" but with all that in mind, I need your help.

My LDS pushes Dacor and Sea Elite. I have not seen too much on the board about these two brands of equipment. Both companies seem to make the entire gammet of equipment from BC to regs. Any pros or cons, do's or don'ts that you can give are most appreciated.

Looking forward to many successful dives and wonderful experiences beneathe the waves (with a little help from my friends).

Now where does that woman keep the credit cards and why does she keep moving them? I think I am getting the same feeling that a heroin addict may get at his/her local methadone clinic. Does that make sense? Probably need to mark down LDS as yet another place that I am not allowed to enter like (Boater's World and West Marine) without the company of TEO.(see above reference.)
and Welcome home again..

Here is my wooden nickle on Equipment this week:

The attitude it fits it works get it, needs a addmendium that this think of the long term you can buy two TUSA for one DACOR but a MARES or APEKS will let you enjoy it better.

that being said go to other shops and let them sell you on their brands beware that any sales person that talks bad of another line should have a brick upside their head, all brands work some way better than others what is important is what works for you. I own a MARES Vector Platnum BC with MRS because I am not a big fan of Velcro alone holding my weights in place and a belt no way

I own a Aeris 500AI DC because I like the large display I own MARES V16 Epos because I got a really great price and it works well for me gotta love the balanced stage no adjustment perfection

Consider this about the evil one get her only the best because you might have to rely upon it some day

Then there is the Bill Cosby approach when talking about his daughter getting a cookie out of the cookie jar and being caught
she replied that she was getting a cookie for him and when he said "I don't want one" she said well then can I have it?



Dacor isn't exactly renowned for exceptional quality and durability and such things. Their stuff will allow you to scuba dive, but there are better brands and routes to take than Dacor (and many other brands) that will often cost less and offer more.
I always tell people to be wary of a company that tries to sell color coordination :wink: :D.

Take care.

Word of advice. Do not pay too much attention to what EVERYONE OUT THERE suggests as to the equipment "brands" that you should own. Here is a quick reason as to why I say this:

When I had posed the SAME question a while ago almost all divers on these posts had "suggested" that I should only pay attention to these following brands:

1) Halcyon
2) Dive Rite
3)Zeagle Ranger

You will see that even after I have posted this thread you will probably have a lot of NEGATIVE comments as to my answer. Anyway to make the story short I handed up trying several brands, including one's stated above, and decided against "THEIR FAVORITES" and opted for a Genesis Recon back inflated BCD. I could not be happier with my purchase. Not only did I do that with the BCD but with the rest of my equipment. So, find something that "YOU" like, try it and see if you like it, make sure that it is WELL BUILT and is warranted and there you go.
I have obviously worn my Genesis BCD around other divers that are wearing their Zeagle's, Dive Rite's..........and when they see how well built it is they have said that if they would have known about it they would have bought one as well. But AGAIN all you hear and see on the boards is about these so called "preferred" brands. Just remember one thing. Just because you wear one of the above brands does not signify that you will be a better diver. For all that you know one of the people on the board could be the President of Dive Rite, Halcyon...........and this is a way for him to sell the product, by boasting that all BETTER DIVERS wear this certain product.
Again Sailfish, go out there and find the stuff on your own and follow your OWN trusted nose. You'll be glad you did!!!!!!

I have only been to the dive shop for about an hour and while they didn't slam any other brands, the made allusions or hints to buying online and other LDS as being bad. They gave me a catalogue of theirs to start looking for the right gear set up.

I don't plan to quit my job to start working for Jaques Cousteau if he's even still alive, but I'd rather spend a little to a lot more for something that I know will last almost a lifetime as long as I take care of it. Even if it means spending 150% of the cheaper one. I have noticed that a lot have mentioned Oceanic. I'll look into their stuff.

Fishkiller- you stated that "you can buy two TUSA for one DACOR but a MARES or APEKS will let you enjoy it better." Thanks for your timely response but, can you clarify? Does this mean that Dacor is twice as good in quality and usability as Tusa and please explain how a Mares or Apeks will let you enjoy it better. Anything made by Mares or Apeks will allow you to enjoy your Dacor more or their equipment rather than a Dacor. What specific equipment made by Mares or Apeks? BC, reg, weight belt? Sorry for not understanding more.

Hope you all have a great week and I look forward to hearing your responses.

I'll offer my $0.02.....

I think like anything else pricey, the more research and shopping around you do, the better purchase decisions you will make.

One place to start is online. Go to and look at their ratings --

Not 100% comprehensive, but it will at least get you started.

Then check your local shop(s) to see what they offer.

Once you have it narrowed down, then come back here and ask questions and try to find local divers to talk to.

My recommendations for brands to consider would be as follows:

Regs: Apeks, Scubapro, Oceanic, Mares
BCs: Zeagle, Sea-Quest, Scubapro, Backplate/wings set-ups
Computers: Suunto, Oceanic

I don't have any knowledge of Sea-Elite. My overall impression of Dacor gear is that it is middle-of-the-road in terms of quality.

These recommendations are based on the brands I was focused on during my gear purchases over the past 2 years........of course, there are plenty of other good choices out there......but these stand out in my mind as being well-made and reliable.

My final recommendation would be to wait a little if you can before running out to buy gear -- although I know when you've got the "bug", this can be hard. Again, an informed shopper is usually a better shopper ;-).

BTW -- I definitely agree with scubakid........a certain brand may have all the highest ratings and recommendations, but it may not be right for YOU.

Hope this helps.
I'm another new diver and I learned a few things.

1) If an LDS slams other LDS, I get wary
2) Always check out the other guy
3) Buy the equipment that suits the style of diving that you want to do. Halcyon BP/Wings are great, but if all of your diving is in warm carib waters, looking at the pretty fish, and never going deeper that 80' - Many other BCs will be perfectly safe and cheaper and easier to use.
4) Read, read and read some more (Rodales, Dive Training, and other mags) and a lot of older threads on this site
5) try before you by
6) Pick your instructor first. A good instructor will make you safer than a full DIR cave rig used incorrectly.
7) Buy only your personal gear (Mask, snorkle, fins) until you certifiy, and buy them from the store where you are getting instruction (you can usually get a better deal on the combined purchase of kit and gear)

I (myself for what that is worth) would be concerned about a LDS that didn't stock some of the higher end brands. But I haven't been there, so I can't comment.
Large_diver has pointed you toward some excellent brands of gear and given you some great advice. The thing to remember is that the gear that works for me might not work for you. All regs, BC's, tanks, dive computers etc. aren't created equal. They all have positive and negative points. That's where you come in, determining what kind of diving you will be doing and then purchasing the gear that best fits that profile. Good Luck. Keep us informed on what you buy. :tree:Bob
Welcome and good luck on your choice of relaxation techniques.

As far as your choices that you have mentioned your LDS has already turned me off as you have not even taken your first class. I would be leary of any operation that is already selling you gear other than fins, mask,and snorkel.

You might want to see if there is another LDS in your area and feel them out as well. If a shop has to bad mouth/down grade other shops or equipment it makes me wonder about whether they will be around for the long haul.
I haven't used all the brands that exist out there. My experience is built only on Mares and ScubaPro gear. Both companies make good stuff.
However, I dive a lot, and in the course of the years I've seen so many divers who used so many different brands...and guess what? All of them were satisfied with what they were using. How could it be, none of them was using an Apeks reg ???

So, from my point of view, you don't need to buy an Apeks to be a satisfied diver. Asking what's the best to buy is like asking which is the best car, the best running shoes, the best sleeping bag, etc. You'll get three different answers from two "experts".

What's for sure: go away from salesmen who instead of explaining by THEIR stuff is good, try to convince you that OTHERS sell ****. You'll find out that it is usually the opposite...

Try to look for what suits your needs. I'd suggest to go for simplicity and price. Many times the more simple equipment is cheaper and less prone to failures. Too sofisticated things usually have more chances to fail. Why do you need to mess up with a BC with so many straps and D-rings that you don't see the BC? What's so bad with a BC without integrated weights? Nothing.
Price is important too. Don't buy something more expensive only because everyone here tells you it's a "better brand". Want an example? My twelve year old Mares MR-12 (serviced only three times...) is breathes much more comfortable than my brand new ScubaPro MK20/s600, especially at shallow depths. And I really don't see much "performance" difference at depths (but I never dived deeper than 42 meters, So I don't know how they behave at 60 meters, and I assume that in the near future you wont be doing that neither).
So if you ask me, I'll tell you that there's nothing wrong with Mares regulators. Oh, yes, they are usually cheaper, but it doesn't make them less good.

Enjoy your diving, and dive a lot! Experience will by far make you a better diver than any high-end equipment will ever do!

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