My beloved wife is mostly a holiday diver (60 something dives over 5 years or so). Since OW she has dived Oceanic v8 split fins. Struggling in a little bit of current and desiring to learn to frog kick, she has decided she wants a set of paddle fins. Her idea of diving is to do it in the most leisurely way possible; she doesn't want fins that are going to require big leg muscles or (frankly) any serious effort at all! She's the one who will always sit out a dive that might involve swimming against current.
Because she doesn't dive all the time I don't want to spend much on them. Finally, because we travel a bit, light is better than heavy (says the guy with the SP jets). If you had to recommend a cheap, 'good for frog kick', 'easy kicking', light-ish fin, what would you go for?. Bonus points if they come in some outrageously bright colour, like pink.
Because she doesn't dive all the time I don't want to spend much on them. Finally, because we travel a bit, light is better than heavy (says the guy with the SP jets). If you had to recommend a cheap, 'good for frog kick', 'easy kicking', light-ish fin, what would you go for?. Bonus points if they come in some outrageously bright colour, like pink.