this should be probably posted under "Travel" but this dive trip was a big learning experience for me, certified and diving in Fla only.
This past weekend i did 4 dives in a lake over 2 day period. The lake is in Poland, close to the border with Germany.
Everybody here dives steels, and this was my first dive with a steel tank: damn, my trim was perfect without any games with moving weights!
reg: gota get myself a din reg, fortunatelly LDS had a converter for the tank so i've got to use my own gear brought from Florida
water temp: surface around 68 degrees but then thermocline at 15 feet and down to 40 degrees from there. Did i mention i had my puny two piece 3mm wetsuit while everybody around was using at least two piece 5mm or thicker ?
viz: not bad, really not bad, about 25 feet.
bunch of interestign freshatwer critters, the night dive was amazing.
the deep dive (to 108 feet) was magical - cruising down the soft slope of the bottom into a twilight.
did i mention it was COLD ? as long as i didn't move at all except slow modified frog kicks it was bearable though, any other move (like to check my watch) and water was seeping through the wetsuit...
one final story - i was floating around with my buddy checking out fish in shallow water, he pointed me to one and i manged to get close to it, just few inches away (at night, maybe it was sleeping ?), the guy told me after the dive that he was really impressed by my hovering 2 inches above the silt staring at that fish montionlessly for a good minute or so while he wouldn't be able to do that ever (bad trim)
i guess learing to dive in springs in florida makes one really learn how to avoid slitling up the place while in the lake you can always come back different way you got there avoiding your mess...
it was fun, and it was a pleasant change from florida diving, too bad i am leaving in few days and can't go diving again :-/
This past weekend i did 4 dives in a lake over 2 day period. The lake is in Poland, close to the border with Germany.
Everybody here dives steels, and this was my first dive with a steel tank: damn, my trim was perfect without any games with moving weights!
reg: gota get myself a din reg, fortunatelly LDS had a converter for the tank so i've got to use my own gear brought from Florida
water temp: surface around 68 degrees but then thermocline at 15 feet and down to 40 degrees from there. Did i mention i had my puny two piece 3mm wetsuit while everybody around was using at least two piece 5mm or thicker ?
viz: not bad, really not bad, about 25 feet.
bunch of interestign freshatwer critters, the night dive was amazing.
the deep dive (to 108 feet) was magical - cruising down the soft slope of the bottom into a twilight.
did i mention it was COLD ? as long as i didn't move at all except slow modified frog kicks it was bearable though, any other move (like to check my watch) and water was seeping through the wetsuit...
one final story - i was floating around with my buddy checking out fish in shallow water, he pointed me to one and i manged to get close to it, just few inches away (at night, maybe it was sleeping ?), the guy told me after the dive that he was really impressed by my hovering 2 inches above the silt staring at that fish montionlessly for a good minute or so while he wouldn't be able to do that ever (bad trim)
i guess learing to dive in springs in florida makes one really learn how to avoid slitling up the place while in the lake you can always come back different way you got there avoiding your mess...
it was fun, and it was a pleasant change from florida diving, too bad i am leaving in few days and can't go diving again :-/