deepbluegirlca:70's sounds good to me!
I'm doing my OW dives in Brockville June 4-6. They are supplying a 7ml suit I think and a shorty overtop that plus gloves - which they chuckled over. Seems doing all the skills with gloves on is quite the event!
The lds invested a lot of time trying to get a military destroyer sunk there but it failed in the end due to local objections. They are getting back on the horse though, they believe they will succeed this time as a lot of industry has shut down there and in a few years the dive/tourist dollar will look good to them and hopefully overcome thier argument that divers will not be good for their "quiet town". Seems like it is about 5yrs of paperwork to complete.
Welcome to the board. If they don't want the destroyer I'm sure I can sneak it into the lake up here. Be nice to have something like that to dive on.