I seem to like the following as a good method for a weight check. We learned it in our fundamentals class, and so far, it seems to work rather well.
1 - Get a tank that has 500 psi in it (or do a dive....and then bleed off some excess)
2 - Go to 10 feet on a line, or by something stationary.
3 - Get all the air out of your BC/Wing and exhale completely...all the way...hold nothing in. Do not hold on to anything...if you sink...you're too heavy. If you float, you're too light. if you're not moving, you're on the money.
FWIW I'm down to 18 total for lead, and I could spare another pound, but I like being able to hold a stop at 5 feet as well, so I keep the pound there. 38 just seems like a LOT of overkill. Are you talking 38 total pounds of lead on your belt?