Hi Katie,
I'm so glad you fell in love with diving! Another gal on board to balance the genders is definitely a welcome sight

! I also started out in a BC (a SP Ladyhawk), and quickly swapped to a BP/W. I see absolutely no reason not to just start out with the BP/W, which in many ways makes diving easier.
I just skimmed the previous posts. Sorry if I am repeating advice.
The bp/w has less buoyancy properties so less weight is needed. Also it has less bulk, so propulsion is easier & if you set it up right there is far less clutter. Another wonderful bonus is that it has the potential to position you quite nicely in the water for more streamline diving. A bp/w also offers several options to distribute some of the weight off of your weight belt and onto the rig -- which makes diving quite a bit more comfortable. Don't be put off by a harness without padding, rest assure it is very comfortable to dive

. Yes a bp/w is a fine tuned piece of technical diving equipment, but it is also excellent for recreational diving. At the risk of sounding like a snob: If a Ferrari is the same cost as a Toyota, why not?
Actually, thinking back -- there are many training & equipment choices I wish I made as a beginner that would have saved lots of time, effort & money. Most of the equipment I purchased in the beginning was sold for a 50% loss and upgraded within the year. You are quite wise to shop around and ask for advice from the locals here on sb ;-). As others have already said, the bp/w system will not limit your potential in the future.
I think most people around here use a 30lb wing for single tank cold water diving. Now I'm diving doubles and using a 40lb wing, so I just happen to have a 30lb DSS bp/w in the garage collecting dust. It's a small plate - if we wear similar sizes you are welcome to sample. Please PM me if you are interested. Perhaps I could meet up with you and Neil sometime soon and make it happen ;-).
There are several brands/models that are popular for the bp/w system. Many, many threads on Scubaboard sing the merrits of the bp/w system & recommend favorite “bp/w’s”. Some popular brands/wing models are Halcyon, DSS and the Oxycheq Mach V.