that one would even need a "class" to put someone on O2... stick it in the nose and over the ears, turn it on and Voila!..., you Cant do it wrong... and on the surface you cant hurt anyone (its not like their gonna tox or anything)... seems jus' like another way to exort another $100 out of you... you need a "Class" to learn how to put someone on O2? really? ... seems to me you could cover that in 5 minutes of your Stress/Rescue class.
Really? Do you know when to administer O2? How much? 2 psi / sec? 5 L/min? 25gal/hour? What? When do you stop administering it? How do you hook it up, turn it on? What is the best way to administer - cannella (sp?)? Mask? What's that baggie thing?
Administer O2 without training and you violate the law in pretty much every state, I believe.