Nor do I. Strictly recreational diver, but I liked a lot of what the Perdix offered.I have found that Shearwater Perdix ai comes highly recommended. However, I do not intend to go tec.
Yeah, that would be a nice incentive. The i770r does look nice.And the $300 price difference I received on the i770r was definitely nice. I know normally the Perdix ai and i770r are similarly priced.
This was a big part of my decision as well when I was looking. Any computer that used a proprietary (non-MH8A, Swift was not yet available) was removed from the list. I already had an Oceanic branded transmitter that worked just fine, so I saw this as a ~$300 savings.Already owning 3 MH8A transmitters negated that additional cost as they work with both DCs.
Sort of. There is a console mount for the Peregrine. Not my style, but I could see it being an option for some.Shearwater do a hosed computer? Wrist computers are the way to go. No big brick!