New computer AI dilemma

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Hi guys,

i need some help with my dive computer purchase. I have a basic SP aladin sport, which covers the basics, but i would like to step up a bit, so i was looking at shearwater peregrine, nad the peregrine TX, which offers AI.

The price difference is around 150 usd + probe, which is kinda double of basic peregrine. As i have a wrist compass (which i rarely use), and have no experience with AI computers (other then constanly malfunctioning suunto D5 my buddy has), is the AI worth the difference?

Other then showing the remaining air in my tank (for which i have my spg anyway), does AI bring something else to the table, that i am not aware of?

Thank you,
I have a Perdix AI, but never bothered paying for a transmitter. My SPG works flawlessly and is all I need. The only advantage I could see with a transmitter is detailed data on SAC rate at different stages of your dive, to see the effect of different circumstances on your breathing. It hasn't been enough for me to warrant the cost...
I've used AI for a number of years and enjoy it. If the cost would keep me from diving a Shearwater, though, I'd happily forgo it for the time being.
AI advantages include but are not necessarily limited to:

Convenience. A quick Look at your wrist tells you your tank pressure. Rather than fumbling for your gauges and turning them so they can be read.

All information presented in an easy to read digital display.

More detailed and precise calculation of dive time renaming based on the most limiting factor - NDL, gas in tank and O2 if diving Nitrox.

All your dive information in one centralized place.

Tracking of SAC rate which becomes part of a digital logbook if used.

One less hose if so configured. That much less stuff to carry around and stuff in a gear bag and rinse after the dive.
I've also been using AI for several years. The thing I like most about it is having all my information in one place that is quick and easy to access. I can see everything I need to know with a quick glance.

If the total cost of the Peregrine TX plus the transmitter is too much right now, consider buying just the TX first. Yes, it is $150 USD more than the non-AI Peregrine, but you can use it while looking for a used Pelagic MH8A transmitter, which is compatible and used with some other brands as well. It really won't save you a lot of money, but it would give you more time between purchases. And sometimes you can run across a really good deal on one, especially here on Scubaboard.
I have the Shearwater Perdix AI, and my wife has the Peregrine and she is looking to upgrade to the Tern TX.

My two cents: the AI functionality is so worth it if you're going to go the Shearwater route. I've never had an issue with the transmitter or the computer. The ability to know both what is still in my tank, but also time remaining (based on SAC and depth), NDL timing, my nitrogen load, etc. is all very useful information to have right on my wrist. Also, Shearwater's support is top notch. With so many shyster companies out there, Shearwater is one of the few where get what you pay for.
The price difference is around 150 usd + probe, which is kinda double of basic peregrine. As i have a wrist compass (which i rarely use), and have no experience with AI computers (other then constanly malfunctioning suunto D5 my buddy has), is the AI worth the difference?

Other then showing the remaining air in my tank (for which i have my spg anyway), does AI bring something else to the table, that i am not aware of?
AI in a dive computer is without a doubt personal preference. My first dive computer was a hosed AI console, and since then I've never looked back. Upgraded to hoseless transmitter today.

A couple thoughts. You mentioned the contstantly malfunctioning Suunto your buddy has. Don't expect the same with every brand. The protocol used by the Shearwater and PPS transmitters is pretty solid and reliable.

In addition to the pressure left in your tank, the Peregrine will also calculate the gas time remaining (GTR). This uses your breathing rate so far to estimate how long you could remain at that depth before needing to ascend. Also, post dive, it makes things easier when logging. Especially if doing multiple dives. No need to remember start and end pressure, it will be downloaded along with the dive profile. This makes it real easy to calculate your SAC/RMV by simply entering the tank size in your log. You can do that as well without AI by entering start and end pressure. However, one thing that you can only do with AI is see points of the dive where your breathing rate may be higher. This can be useful if you can correlate that with what was happening at that time.

One thing to note. In addition to the Shearwater Swift, the Peregrine TX will also work with any of the PPS built MH8A transmitters. These may be branded Oceanic, Sherwood, Aqualung, Shearwater, etc. but they will work. I know that Shearwater is giving a discount on a bundle, but you may also be able to save a bit if you can find one of the PPS versions cheap. If you happen to find a non-functioning Oceanic branded one, Oceanic will replace it for $120 or so plus shipping.
I’ve had air integration for 6.5 years on my Suunto Eon Core. In that time I’ve had to replace the battery on the transmitter once.

I’ve also had to replace my SPG once, replace the spool on my spg once, and replace leaking o-rings on my spg spool or hose 3 times.

So 1 AI issue and 5 SPG issues over 6 years. And about 6 dives done with the SPG removed from my reg and replaced with a plug until I could fix a leak.
I have been running AI for nearly 25 years, with 18 of those years with a transmitter. In that time once, have I had an issue with the transmitter pairing. I could have fixed it but everyone was waiting so I splashed and just used my SPG. Which is clipped off and is there if needed.

Why AI? cause it is All Information in one look. That is the biggest reason. And while I do not use a compass very often having it part of the computer is one less thing.

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