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Hey folks just wanted to share that I completed my las two AOW cert dives on Saturday. OMG what a beautiful day in the Key Largo !!!!!!!!!!! The seas were 0-1" and we did the USS Bibb which is in 130' of water for the first dive. We knew it was going to be great when we could sea the ship laying in the sand from the boat. There was absolutely no current to speak of and as we descended we realized we were being treated to AT LEAST 150' visibility. Lots of life on and around the boat with one HUGE goliath grouper. Unfortunately my time was short there due to diving on 21%.
The second dive we did at the Molasses Reef Wall were it drops down from 45 feet to 104' and again the conditions were exactly the same, amazing. The treat came when a school of 7 rays came by to dance a play above our heads for a few minutes performing some amazing acrobatic moves. I also got a chance to see some very big lobsters taking cover under some of the sea fans and reef and a variety of different fish which I couldn't begin to classify.
Hope everybody's dive went well this weekend, as for myself I have to say YEAH !!!!!!!!!

WTG Juan!
Sweet dive report, and way to go on the AOW! I love making the short trek down to the Keys. What a great resource for us lucky SE FL dwellers.
It's 24 hour drive for me, and I still consider it a short trek. Especially given the cool atmosphere and nice diving. Love it down there.
freedive, excellent report and excellent news!

if you loved AOW that much, you will LOVE Rescue... any plans of taking it?
Hey THANKS everyone, this is the first chance I have had to respond. Aside from getting the AOW dives completed, all my free time right now is spent preparing for my wedding at the end of this month. Yes my sweetheart of two years and I are making it official June 26 :07:

Andy, Rescue does look like a lot of fun but after having to turn and head for the ascent line after 10 minutes on the Bibb while everybody else in my group got some 20+ mintues using EAN 32% I think Nitrox will be the next course on my list......After the Honeymoon :wink:
If you remember a my previous posting, I reported that my instructor allowed me to try 32% for my first deep dive on the Duane. Now that I have compared the two at 100+ feet, there is no comparison. Aside the obvious benefit of extended bottom time, I found it breathed much easier at depth and I felt more refreshed after getting back on the boat.

Once again thanks everyone and see you in the water soon

Hey Juan,

Congrats on AOW, on a great weekend of diving, and on the upcoming Big Event on June 26.

As far as Nitrox and Rescue go, it's sort of a "which comes first, the peanut butter or the jelly" situation. Both of these classes will enhance your experience as a diver. I'm a little partial to doing Rescue first, because it really helps you hone your skills and can make a big difference if you run into trouble out on those deep wrecks. I found that it was a great confidence booster, but that's just my experience.

Glad to hear about those conditions on the wrecks. I have a friend from NC down on the Spiegel today, so I hope he has the same conditions.

When time permits, come join us on the beach...

Best wishes and many safe ascents,
I think Nitrox will be the next course on my list......

excellent. Nitrox is a great way to learn more about gases
and diving in general.

but, not to be a pest, you will really benefit from Rescue.
make sure it's on your short list of things to do

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