I am never surprised to hear these things about a Nekton boat. I recently heard from a former crew member that one of their captains was fired for drug abuse in the last 1-2years. I think part of the problem is that a lot of their crew members are very young and they can't seem to get everyone to behave professionally (including older crew). It's like anything goes. There is certainly a group of people on here who like Nekton and a group that don't. All I know is I've never read as many negative experiences about other liveaboard charters on here as often as I have about Nekton. Our trip with them will never be forgotten and not because of fond memories.
Maybe I am living in the past, but when Captain Ephey, Captain Chris, Captain Nelson and myself ran Nekton boats they were always run professionally. Back when Rodale's did reader rater rankings, we were always rated as the most popular liveaboard and were always ranked in the top five for Best Liveaboard (and won best liveaboard a couple of times). It was never "anything goes." Report cards given by the guests were CONSISTENTLY outstanding, and most said that it was primarily due to the crew. That is looking at report cards from 8 years that I was on the boat and two years when I was working in their office.
Part of the reason you see more complaints about Nekton is that they are large boats and their capacity is double that of of most other boats (see the comment above about "most popular" liveaboard-this does not indicate "best" but the actual numbers of guests). Having 30 guests on a vessel increases the odds of having one or two dissatisfied guests. This is no different from any service type industry (restaurants, hotels, resorts, etc.).
In my experience dissatisfied guests are more vocal than satisfied ones. In the age of the internet, you are much more likely to hear about problems than about cruises that returned problem-free.Throw into the mix the "scammers" out there (we had a number of guests who would find a minor issue to complain about and when Nekton was unwilling to give them financial compensation they went ballistic, flaming Nekton on all the different scuba forums on the net).
In fairness, it does seem like the number of complaints has increased as of late, but this is usually a cyclical phenomenon as crews gain experience and "gel." I was fortunate to work on the boat when most of the crew had been there for a year or two (as compared to six months which is pretty standard in the dive industry) and our cruises went off without a hitch.
As far as a captain being fired for drug abuse in the past, that is heresay and to my knowledge not true. Always consider your sources. Disgruntled employees are apt to say just about anything to smear a company's name, regardless of the truth. Consider the OP on this thread. The original poster said he heard from a crew member that the captain was exhibiting favoritism towards some crew members and that was their reason for quitting. The truth is that the captain administered the drug test to all crewmembers because no one would fess up to owning the drug paraphanelia found onboard. It is a perfect example of why we should not always trust an ex-employee's word about their reason for leaving.
I have not worked for Nekton for many years. I have no financial incentive to support the company. I have known the owner of the company for fifteen years and I know he is committed to providing quality cruises at reasonable prices. Sure there are bound to be disgruntled passengers, but it is no different from any other industry (anyone happy about the current state of air travel in the US?). The only difference is that with wonderful forums like thism, we are more apt to hear about problems, whether they are real or unfounded.