onfloat:Post 7 & 8 are not DIR answers. It's the proper tool for the job kind of thing. It may work to some degree, but it's not DIR. The only reason I bring it up is this is in the DIR forum.
The correct DIR responses were summed up in the first few posts. I was attempting to show that I was recently in a similar situation, being a new DIR diver and thinking I could get by with a combination wing for a while. My post was not worded very well but basically I tried it and didn't like it. After putting together my first doubles, I had about 4 dives on them before I was shopping for a doubles specific wing. I meant to say that I will only keep the RecWing long enough to save my pennies and replace it with a dedicated singles wing.
Specifically for the RecWing, when used for doubles it has a good lift and even trim in the water. However, the inflator elbow is off-set and gets pushed forward by the left post and hoses (even after replacing the vented elbow with a plain 90 deg). Because of the wing shape/design, it also has a tendancy to lay you on your back when fully inflated on the surface.
To use it for singles, you need to re-install the bungie system that it came with (making it NOT DIR) to keep from getting the taco effect. Before I took DIR/F, I never really cared for the "bungied wing of death" explaination of why it was not a good idea. During the class, my instructor explained that a wing with a puncture may still be usable to get you to the surface as it will still hold some air. A bungied wing will force any air out of the wing rendering it useless.
I hope that helps explain some of the WHY's of getting specific doubles/singles wings.