Need wetsuit thickness advice

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Michigan, USA
I will be doing most of my diving in the summer months in Lake Michigan, and in the surrounding smaller bodies of water. I will also be making a winter trip to Coz, Grand Cayman, etc, and I would like to not have to buy another wetsuit for the trip. If I get a 5mm for my Michigan dives, am I safe using that same suit for the tropical dives? I really want a Henderson Hyperstrech or Goldcore, but I am an oddly shaped diver (6ft, 145lbs, 31" waist), so a suit off the rack will fit all wrong. I will probably have to get a tailored, or maybe even Digital Fit wetsuit, so buying two suits will get expensive when they are both custom.

Your advice is appreciated.

edit: how much extra does Henderson tailor and digital fit usually run?
I would highly recommend getting actually a 7mm for Michgan. I have never dove Michgan, I have dove Pa and always go in a 6.5mm. It also depends how much you can tolerate the cold. I have both a 7mm and a 5mm. Depending how much/often you will be diving either area could determine how expensive/quality of a wetsuit you want. I went to Honduras a few weeks ago and took my 5mm 2 piece and only wore the jacket and Under Armour underneath for protection against corals (research diving so corals literally in my face) and I was comfortable in that set up. Also, Neosport is made by Henderson and is quite alot cheaper for the same Henderson quality. As far as the goldcore verse hyperstrech...I would go w/ the goldcore because i was told that even though they are the same thickness, the hyperstrech material is not as tight as the material of the goldcore, which allows it to loose heat along with stretch. If you get a 2 piece then you can always change pieces around according to your comfort/temp. in the water. G/L and have fun diving!!!
So a 7mm would be too thick for Coz dives, eh? Pretty much any suit I will buy will have to be tailored, otherwise it will be way too big in the waist/torso area. So since this dive trip down south is a special occassion, I dont want to put alot of money into the wetsuit. Would a 1mm full be not enough for a December dive in Coz?

thanks for the tip on Neosport, im poor so cheaper is better, but i still demand quality!
I dive Northern Lake Huron, and use a Bare Artic 7mm semi-dry, I'm comfortable until around 45-50 degrees, although my fingers, and toes get cold after about 30 minutes (using 5mm gloves & boots).
I will be doing most of my diving in the summer months in Lake Michigan, and in the surrounding smaller bodies of water. I will also be making a winter trip to Coz, Grand Cayman, etc, and I would like to not have to buy another wetsuit for the trip. If I get a 5mm for my Michigan dives, am I safe using that same suit for the tropical dives? I really want a Henderson Hyperstrech or Goldcore, but I am an oddly shaped diver (6ft, 145lbs, 31" waist), so a suit off the rack will fit all wrong. I will probably have to get a tailored, or maybe even Digital Fit wetsuit, so buying two suits will get expensive when they are both custom.

Your advice is appreciated.

edit: how much extra does Henderson tailor and digital fit usually run?

Maybe you _could_ use an ill-fitting suit in warm water?

The only problem with not fitting right is that water will circulate
and the suit will not be as warm as one that fits well BUt in tropical water maybe this is not so bad? Here in So. Cal. I can buy an off the rack full suit for $100

But for cold water diving you want a 7mm suit that fits and maybe even a hooded vest under the suit

I do know someone who took his 7mm suit to Florida. It worked fine but he didn't use his gloves or hood and would let water in now and then to cool off. He said at first the boat's dive master would not let him dive with his 26 pounds of wieght but then he had to explain how much "float" is in a 7mm suit. (Florida DMs don't see many 7mm suits.)

With your very thin build you will want a suit thicker then other people tipically use in a given area. If you local water is under 60F a guy like you might want something under his 7mm suit. Us fat guys can do with less rubber.
I dive Northern Lake Huron, and use a Bare Artic 7mm semi-dry, I'm comfortable until around 45-50 degrees, although my fingers, and toes get cold after about 30 minutes (using 5mm gloves & boots).
I might check out those Bare suits, my preferred LDS is a dealer. If I want Henderson, I have to go to another LDS that I really dont like as much, and but these Bare suits seem cheaper. Are the Bare suits of similar quality to Henderson suits?
If I were to get a warm water suit that was too big, maybe I can hire mom or one of her friends to alter it a bit. Of course it will void the warranty, but I have found some ~$60 suits on, as well as others, so I might try that out.

Thanks, keep the suggestions coming if you have them!
If I were to get a warm water suit that was too big, maybe I can hire mom or one of her friends to alter it a bit. Of course it will void the warranty, but I have found some ~$60 suits on, as well as others, so I might try that out.

Thanks, keep the suggestions coming if you have them!

If you are both (1) hard to fit and (2) short of cash then,...

You could have "Tripple L" build you a custom suit. They can make
a custom suit for under $100 but the air frieght shipping from
Asia is expensive (about $60)
Off the rack suits are cheaper and the shipping is only a few bucks

I've seen one of thier suits. They are well contructed but basic using
just plain black standard neoprene.
So a 7mm would be too thick for Coz dives, eh
Absolutely it will be too much. I get all sweaty and nauseous just thinking about it. You can try it. I'd rather not even think about it though.

But that's just me. I just can't imagine one suit for both cold water and tropical conditions.
There is a company in Santa Barbara that makes really nice wet and dry suits. Their website is and their telephone number is 805.692.2001. You can order custom from them. If you want to take 50 or so measurements. :D

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