Need help with addiction

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Hehehe! I work nights and have no access to the computer at work--good thing! I've gotten better since I got married but I used to go home from work, hang out on scubaboard until time to take my shower and go back to work. I was surfing instead of sleeping and that made for some long nights at work, can't sleep there either! Since I've gotten married I try to keep my weekends "board free" and spend time with the hubby unless of course it's his Saturday to work :D

Good luck with the addiction, it's EXTREMELY hard to kick once you're that involved!
Ber :lilbunny:
I've got 2 PCs on my desk, and SB is always on both of them - I reply to different threads on different machines. This is, however, not an addiction - merely a more streamlined approach.

I used to do it all on one, with multiple browser windows, but then I mixed up my DIR flames with New User greets, and I knew there had to be a better way...
So do you have happy thoughts proceeding on one and flame/attacking/unhappy thoughts on the other? If i had two computers i wouldnt be able to type fast enough to keep up!
I just dont sign out, I'll refresh to another forum, etc., and keep going. I dont have an exciting or busy job so it helps me along :)

I sign on when I get to work and check this board and two others through out the day. Lots to read and luckily my boss is pretty good about it.
So do you have happy thoughts proceeding on one and flame/attacking/unhappy thoughts on the other? If i had two computers i wouldnt be able to type fast enough to keep up!
Pretty much - helps keep my split personalities busy :eyebrow: I used to have 3 going at one time, but one wasn't used much and when I needed the desk space, it left and hasn't returned (though it's on the floor if I need it in a pinch...)
I only have one computer here at work but I open 2 - 3 IE windows and have SB on one all the time.

Love the board, good people and good ideas.

Jeff :dazzler1:
I've got a solution to your multiple browser windows open approach - try using myie2 from Once you learn to configure it, you'll have multiple sites open in one browser but tabbed so that you dont have to swap "windows" but click on the appropriate tab.
I was actually wondering if there was a support group for this, although i see a lot of people on here a lot, i wasnt sure it was engulfing people and stopping them from working like it does me. Oh well i could think of worse ways to make a living, paid to surf SB!!
I have been thinking about posting a thread just like this! I will go months without coming to scubaboard because when I do I just can't stay away! I get on when I have a question to ask and then I stay for weeks and check it all day long when I should be cleaning house or something. (I think I'd feel too guilty to check it if I had a job I got paid at though!)

It's a harmless addiction, isn't it?
Not necessarily. My husband gets annoyed because I'm on here at night instead of going to bed with him. Then I don't get enough sleep so I'm grumpy the next day. My kids get annoyed because they have no clean clothes or good home-cooked meal because I'm here during the day instead of taking care of my responsibilities!

So thanks for reminding me that I'm wasting too much time here and need to take care of my family.

So as soon as people quit replying to my current threads, I'm outta here for awhile!

I'll sure miss y'all though! :(

Thanks for the guilt trip, now I think I'll go do some laundry. LOL
Yes, I'm logged in 24/7, but it's not an addiction. I can stop whenever I want.

Sounds like someone isn't ready to admit that they are addicted. :smile: First you have to admit that you have a problem and then you can treat it, thats what my psychologist tells me.

Work has been slow for me so I tend to log in at least 2 times a day if not more. When I first discovered SB I really liked searching for opinions on gear. Now I like it because I can help others and learn from others.
I really hate it when you can't finish all the new posts and then when you come back you don't get to see what you missed the last time. :11:

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