Need help spending some $$

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(well, first I'd be amazed, but anyway)

Since that is not quite enough to buy you a backplate/wing (which is too bad because that is honestly the most fun I've had diving, yet [1]) I'd go with either a lighting system, a strobe, or a class.

I haven't yet asked the general opinion of American Underwater Lighting, Inc. lights ( ), but their prices on canister lights are pretty darned nice. And a bright, rechargeable light is always fun.

I'm only a shutterbug wannabe (I look at the expensive cameras and drool, but refrain from purchasing :wink: ), but if a strobe would help you take more pictures (and consequently dive more), then that also sounds like a good idea.

I have no idea how you dive, what you're looking to improve, etc, but a specialty class or general advanced diving class might enable you to more effectively/safely do what you find interesting in the water (be it take pictures, or whatnot).

My next two purchases are going to be a computer and a light, so maybe I'm transferring desires a bit :wink:


[1] I dove my backplate with a rented Pioneer wing this past weekend at Lake Travis, and I've honestly never been as comfortable diving. My girlfriend tried it, and I think she's sold as well :)

I'm a new diver and more classes could never hurt. I have not yet done a night dive. What are the advantages to the light systems you speak of versus regular lights? I don't know how much night diving I will do.

The earlier recomendations of saving for a dry suit are good ideas. I live in Idaho and there is rarely any warm water around here. I have a 2 piece gold core that kept me warm in 45 degree water this weekend, but that was also at only 30'

As far as strobe I don't know that I would dive more. I have just read a lot about strobes making the pics better.

Thanks everyone for the good ideas PLEASE keep them coming.

You are now very popular with Mrs. Spray25!
If you don't have you're AOW yet.... go for that FOR SURE!!! Then with the left over start saving for a good solid light. Night diving is great. As well a light is always handy for those low viz or deeper dives...

That's what I would do...
No question - AOW class (see if you can get a Deep cert thrown in!)
I'm going with Ontie...

Training is one investment in diving that you will never regret, you will always use, and you will reap the greatest reward from.

Gear will get used, but wears out, or get's outgrown and sold on eBay.

With $400, you should be able to easily obtain your AOW and Nitrox cert (both very useful to the relatively new diver) and have some dollars left over to spoil on your wife.
Uhh, take it from me... whatever you do, DON'T buy $400 worth of stuff without letting the Wife know first...

If I had $400 to spend on anything and HAD to spend it on SCUBA gear, here is what I would probably do with it...

Put it towards the Uwatec Smart Pro computer OR
Do my AOW and get a second tank.
Well, problem solved...

I went by the LDS today to pick up a couple of small items and ended up buying two Alum 100's. I was budgeting for some 80's in the near future and after discussing with the LDS decided the 100's might work better for me. Funny how you set the mark at $400 and leave the LDS at $586.

The wife and I are going to Jamacia in July and with all the recomendations to do the AOW I might do it there. I have to talk the wife in to letting me. She's afraid it will take to much time. We are going with another couple and she wants to make sure I'm not in "class" too much.

For those that were worried. The wife knew I was looking to spend $400. She just didn't know it was on dive stuff. She doesn't really care. I just didn't want the roll of the eyes that goes along with "you have spent a fortune on that stuff lately".

MNScuba, thanks for the recomendation on the computer, but I have the Cobra and am happy so far. I do need to get the wife a computer. I will probably stay with Suunto for the shared computer download.

Thank you all for the input, it has given me good ideas for my next purchases.

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