Need help spending some $$

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McCall, Idaho
Ok I have $400 burning a whole in my pocket. So I was thinking of three possibilities...

One is a spare air. With tank fill adapter, larger holster, and loop, price is $290. Now I know a lot of people will say get a pony instead. That is not an option for me. I know that in the end I will not carry a pony setup because of weght, bulk etc... Although the Spare Air has limited air at least I know I would carry it and it seems better than nothing.

Ok, so I was thinking option 2 might be an Apeks ATX200. I currently have a near new Oceanic Delta 3 DX4. No particular reason for the upgrade, my Oceanic seems to work fine, but most people on here seem to feel the ATX200 is the best. LPL price $380.

Third option would be a strobe for my camera. I have a Canon A20 in an underwater housing. I just got the housing and haven't used it yet, but wouldn't mind a strobe. I don't know which one I would buy or where to get the best deal.

So what do all of you guys think? Which of my options do you think. Or is there a fourth option I should consider? I need to decide ASAP so I can order tonight or in the morning.
Let me be the first to say it... Give the money to me. I know exactly what I want, and $400 would go a long way towards it.

Seriously, you don't need any of the stuff, and you don't want any of it enough to make a decision, so why don't you save your money until there's something you really need or want?

Not sure where you dive or what gear you have, but here are some options:

Save it and put it towards a drysuit.
Buy a couple cylinders.
Look into a BP
More education (I like this one)
Put it in your IRA, your employer might match it :wink:

Good luck with that cash :)


Oh, and let me be the first to say that the Spare Air can easily do more harm than good.
Originally posted by jonnythan
Not sure where you dive or what gear you have, but here are some options:

Save it and put it towards a drysuit.
Buy a couple cylinders.
Look into a BP
More education (I like this one)
Put it in your IRA, your employer might match it :wink:

Good luck with that cash :)


Oh, and let me be the first to say that the Spare Air can easily do more harm than good.

The drysuit is a good option.
I've already got enough tanks. I think?
I know I'm going to feel stupid after I here the answer, but I'm not thinking of what a BP is.
More education is another good one. Maybe AOW.
Employer match would have to be a 401K not an IRA. Besides this is money I get to spend. Have to spend fast before the wife finds out!!
I agree with the others, don't spend your money for the sake of spending it. And whatever you do DON'T buy a spare air! Save your money until you find some gear you can't live without, or save it for a dive vacation! Or if you are set on spending it there are a few things that I need.
I agree with Wendy, Under No Circumstances Buy a Spare Air.
Spare air = waste of money period! If you need to fill a void on your bc then take a mickey of Jack Daniels with you. hehe:D
I'm in the market for a drysuit. any contribution to my fund would be greatly appreciated. And I could take you diving as retrobution
Sorry, by BP I meant a BP/Wings style BC.

I like the "put it towards a dive vacation" idea :wink:

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