Need help deciding on Tulum and Belize OR just Belize

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Los Angeles
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hello all - just got certified here in California and am anxious to try tropical diving. I'm really into whale sharks (snorkeled with them in Mexico last year - off Isla Holbox) but now that I'm certified I'd LOVE to dive with them. So I'm tentatively planning a trip around the full moon of May or June. I'm looking at staying at one of the atoll resorts near Dangriga (Coco Plum, Thatch Caye, Blackbird Caye) so I can be close to the whale shark sites.

but here's my dilemma - I also REALLY want to spend a couple days diving the cenotes in the Yucatan while i'm in that general area, now that I'm certified (snorkeled them on the same Mexico trip last year). Is this doable?? I would probably fly to Belize first, stay for 4-5 nights then move on to do 2-3 nights on the Yucatan (Tulum or Akumal), and return to the U.S. via Cancun.

would i need to fly between the countries, or is there a bus? I know there are transfers but they're pricey for one person (I'm most likely going solo), so I thought of buses, but can't really find a lot of info. Is this too much? Anyone done this?
The only transport between the Yucatan and Tulum and Belize is road, either bus or taxi. Travelling to Tulum from an island off Dangriga could not be done in one day, probably. It would take a boat journey and road transfer, three flights, a taxi across the border, and a bus. Maybe possible in a day, depending on flight and bus schedules, but it would be a very full day.

I'd say keep the two destinations separate and do them on separate trips. From LA you should be able to get to Cancun pretty cheaply for your cenotes diving, and you really don't want to be rushed diving in southern Belize, nor in seeking out whale sharks.

Again, being close to the whale shark sites is not the same as visiting them. You do need to ensure beforehand that such a trip will be possible during your stay, and you also need to remember that it will be weather/sea state dependant. As well as the places you've mentioned you can also try Hamanasi resort at Hopkins, south of Dangriga, who have a good hit record in seeing whale sharks, and Seahorse Dive Centre in Placencia, who are acknowledged experts.
I agree with Peter. Pick one destination and go for a week.
As far as diving with the whale sharks, that is very hit or miss from what I have heard. Since you are such a new diver, I would think more about just diving and becoming a better diver. There is lots and lots to see and learn before you go into blue water diving. I think you would love just going to Belize, Ambergris Caye, and diving the reefs there. The little stuff is just as impressive as the biggest fish in the ocean. :D
Thanks guys! As a newbie diver I can often be overenthusiastic and wanting to squeeze in as much as possible in the littlest amount of time, so i appreciate the advice.

I think i will definitely pick one destination instead of hassling about - since cenote diving isn't seasonal maybe I'll save that for another trip and do Belize instead, since I've never been. Robint - I do plan to dive as much as I can before May, and am also planning to do my advanced OW so I can have as much experience as I can before the trip, but we'll see how it goes. If anything, I can always snorkel with them if I don't feel ready to go deeper! I heard they go to about 80 feet or so, right? which i guess is just outside the OW limits.

any thoughts on Thatch Caye Resort? Isla Marisol? I did look into Hamanasi and it looks great, just a little on the pricier side.
I would wait on the cenote diving until your buoyancy is good. Having been to both Tulum and Belize, unless you are taking at least 2 weeks, don't try to combine the 2 trips. Both are places you will want to have time to enjoy and explore. We stayed on the island that Isla marisol is on before Isla M was built--we LOVED it and Glover's atoll--so pristine. It's very remote, but absolutely beautiful--just make sure you are ok with quiet! Belize is a great country. Enjoy!
Going to the Yucatan peninsula for a week you can plan to do ocean diving also because in the Cenotes you will be able to do guided cavern tours only and I can't imagine doing that for a six days in a row.
I've decided to scrap the Yucatan part of the trip for now. Oceancat, I agree that my buoyancy is probably not up to par yet for cenote diving. I've researched a bit on this board (thank goodness for this! what a resource:)) and have decided to do 3 nights on Ambergris Caye as an introduction to the country and the diving, then move down south. I'm leaning towards Pedro's Inn because it's so cheap, and the great reviews, and I'd rather spend my money staying at a really nice place down south. Still trying to decide where, though it's narrowed down to Thatch Caye and Hamanasi, with Hamanasi having a slight edge because air transfers from Belize to Dangriga are included in the package. But I love the look of Thatch Caye, and the clearer waters. Isla Marisol looks great too, but seems pricey for what you get, and they're taking forever to get back to me! Hopefully I can get a friend to come so money won't be so much of an issue. single supplement costs are a drag:(
Not to say anything against Hamanasi, but it is intrinsically more costly than TCR. Contact Thatch Caye and ask them for a quote - you may be pleasantly surprised.

If you come to AC then you'll probably love Pedro's, and I think the diving here is superb. But I fear that once you get to Thatch Caye (if that's where you go) you'll regret not having been there for your whole time.

Another thought - consider joining an organised dive trip - they can be a lot of fun, cheaper than DIY and more effective (because they're organised by people who know the area and you waste less time on discovery), and (very importantly) you're diving with like-minded people of an appropriate experience level. I'm helping organise such a trip to AC in May and I'm sure it'll be a blast, and MUCH cheaper than anyone is likely to have organised for themselves. If you're interested, look at They have some other trips that look interesting - I really want to go to Galapagos!
Thanks for the info, Peter! I'll check that out. I did get some quotes back from Hamanasi, Thatch Caye and Isla Marisol (for 4-night packages) - Isla Marisol was the priciest (50% single supplement??), Thatch Caye in the middle, and Hamanasi was the lowest and included RT air transfer. It also had the cheapest whale shark upgrade ($120 additional). The only thing I don't like is the water and sand isn't as pretty as it is out at the island resorts.

Pedro's sounds like a lot of fun, at least from the Trip Advisor reviews. And you just can't beat $50/night for a Deluxe room w/AC and private bath. I wasn't planning on doing any partying, but if it's all onsite, why the heck not:wink: I've contacted Ecologic Divers about dive packages, and mentioned Thatch Caye - they also absolutely raved about it!
I've taken the bus from Belize City to Chetumal and then on to Playa Del Carmen. It is not a pleasant trip. The border crossing is something out of a 1940's movie. You have to get off the bus and walk a half mile carrying your luggage as you cross the border. You pay an exit tax as you leave Belize and you don't get back on the bus until you clear customs on the Mexican side. It can take over an hour. Diving in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, I strongly recommend Amidos Del Mar. They are much more experienced and have an excellent reputation. I was actually in the water on the surface when our boat was struck by a boat from Ecologic Divers. They cracked the cowling on one of the outboards. It was an accident but anyone knows you stay clear of a boat the has divers coming up after a dive. The boat swung around after impact and almost struck divers on the surface. They paid for the damage but I got the distinct impression that the local dive operators didn't think much of 'Ecologic Divers'. This was a few years ago and I beleive that they were a new operation at that time. Hopefully they learned from their mistakes. Anyways 'Amigos Del Mar' is highly respected.

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