Need Advice for Upcoming 3-week trip to Philippines! april 1-21

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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0 - 24

Were a couple going to Philippines from April 1-21. We are currently living in penang finishing last semester of university. we are from Canada and Mexico.

I have my open water while my fiancee does not yet. She wants to get Open water and I want my advanced.

I would like to do a wreck (I hear about Coron much) but also see some cool corals and fish as well, especially since its my fiancees first time ever.

We are spending the first 10 days or so up north in the mountains and then swimming with whale sharks in donsol.

Which leaves about 10 days for the islands and scuba.

What do you think is the best way to do it? I have heard good things about Palawan overall but lonely planet also makes great comments for the Visayas.

I have emailed many scuba companies including ones in Coron, El Nido, Malapascua, Dumaguete, and a few others.

Liquid Dumuguete seemed to be the cheapest with trips to Apo Reef as well but since Coron is far for the wreck dives, Im wondering what is best to do with such a short time frame.

Puerto Galera and Borocay is close somewhat to Coron but Im not sure how busy it is and really how good the diving is. Im thinking its like Cancun and rowdy.

Any advice?

Coron offers Open water as well but aside from the wrecks, im not sure if it would be great compared to Apo Reef or Dumuguete.

Any advice appreciated. Best dives sites, best for our timing, for her open water, companies, prices, etc.

Thank you (and PS: we are in SE Asia for 5 months still. We plan to go to Sipadan as well in the future but not sure if we will be able to. We will also be in indonesia for 1 month so have a chance to dive their as well AND Thailand for 1 month so this is not our last diving trip.

I just dont want to miss out on something special in the Philippines or a really great dive.

Thank you!!
I did my OW with Blue Mango in Boracay and don't regret it. There may be better dive spots in the Philippines, but I found this to be a good, chill place to do it.

I would, however, defer to some of the more experienced opinions on this,
Considering the experience levels:
- if you want to focus on diving, Malpascua would be a great option. Lovely reefs and islands, and after your fiancee gets OW she could do an adventure deep dive or two with you on Monad Shoal to see thresher sharks and mantas - try Thresher Shark Divers
- if you want some nightlife, Puerta Galera has that and has some good reef diving - try LaLaguna Beach Resort
- Boracay is tops for nightlife and above water resort activity, but the diving is not on the same level as the above-mentioned locations

Sounds like the two of you have the opportunity for a great dive adventure while in SEAsia, enjoy!
I would have to support the recommendation to dive with TSD in Malapascua....a great operation and with fantastic dive sites all around to suit all levels. I will be heading to dive with TSD again myself during April!
I just read your post and for your planning purposes I wanted to let you know that that Liquid Dumagette would be taking you to APO Island Not APO Reef which is much much farther north. Apo Island is a great dive site though I have dived there many times.

Hope this helps..

If you are looking for corals then Coron will disappoint you. The wrecks are very nice though.
Apo Reef and Apo Island are miles apart. Dumaguete is good but it involves an extra domestic flight.
With 10 days to spend after Donsol, Anilao would be my suggestion for your gf's OW course. Good vis and not much current to worry about. However, everything is resort based so you might feel being trapped!!! Best time is during weekdays when most places are nearly empty but you will pay more for the dive!!!!! Nothing is perfect!
If you prefer flexibility and selection of dive operators, resorts and restaurants then PG should fit the bill.
Subic Bay is also an option for wreck diving - and much more conveniently accessible than Coron. It's a 3 hour/230php bus trip from Manila / 45 minutes from Clark/Angeles. If you're heading up to North Luzon area (Baguio, Banaue etc..) then it's virtually on your way.

From there, you can bus back to Manila.. then head down to Anilao/Batangas (Bus only) or Puerto Galera (Bus and Ferry). Anilao/Batangas offers really excellent shore-based diving, on pristine coral reefs - there's also a couple of world-class 'muck' dives if you like rare macro critters.
So basically, Dumuguete seems like it might be to far huh?

As for beaches, is Puerto Galera nicer (more tropical looking) than Malapascua?

We'd like to dive, see some nice tropical beaches and hopefully (if you think we have time) head to Coron for 2+ nights to do a wreck or 2.

Or maybe well do Subic Bay (but then KArla cant join me as she has no scuba diving certificate)
So basically, Dumuguete seems like it might be to far huh?

As for beaches, is Puerto Galera nicer (more tropical looking) than Malapascua?

We'd like to dive, see some nice tropical beaches and hopefully (if you think we have time) head to Coron for 2+ nights to do a wreck or 2.

Or maybe well do Subic Bay (but then KArla cant join me as she has no scuba diving certificate)
If you think Dumaguete is a bit far then Malapascua is no better either!! However, the beach at Malapascua is certainly head and shoulder above those at PG.
If you are at Donsol perhaps you should check the resort at Ticao Island.
Nice tropical beaches in Philippines and with good diving as well? You may also try Siquijor but it is also pretty far away(internal flight + long ferry trip).
Or maybe well do Subic Bay (but then KArla cant join me as she has no scuba diving certificate)

There's a nice selection of dive schools in Subic Bay, offering PADI, SSI, SDI and NAUI certification courses. It's very easy to get the OW and/or AOW qualifications there.

Likewise, there's a bunch of dive sites suitable for beginners, including some nice reefs, artificial reefs and coral dives. There's no current and the bay is sheltered - thus protecting divers from inclement weather/waves and wind.

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