Neck seal trying to kill me!!!

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Big Jay

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Ok. I bought a used BAre CD4 pro dry off ebay for a good price. The wrist latex seals are tight, but ok.

I am a bodybuilder type build and have a pretty large neck.

Anyway, the neck seal that is neoprene is WAY too tight. I know this because me head turns bright red and i get dizzy (restricted blood flow) with it on.

What should i do?

Should i put something in there to expand it a little?

Should i cut a small ring out and then try it on for size.

Everything with the suit fits nice except for the neck seal.
If it were me, I would replace the neck seal. It is important that the seal fit properly. Too tight is dangerous. I had the neoprene neck seals and did not like them very much. I changed to latex.

Big Jay:
Ok. I bought a used BAre CD4 pro dry off ebay for a good price. The wrist latex seals are tight, but ok.

I am a bodybuilder type build and have a pretty large neck.

Anyway, the neck seal that is neoprene is WAY too tight. I know this because me head turns bright red and i get dizzy (restricted blood flow) with it on.

What should i do?

Should i put something in there to expand it a little?

Should i cut a small ring out and then try it on for size.

Everything with the suit fits nice except for the neck seal.

You can cut some of the seal off but take it off in little bits until you find the correct size. When cutting make it a smooth, not "chipped", cut.

Neoprene WILL stretch ... slip the seal over a tank and leave it there for a day or so.
Big Jay:
Everything with the suit fits nice except for the neck seal.

You could try to trim the neck seal a littlebit at the time, it is not as easy to do with a neoprene neck seal. If that doesn't work you will have to replace it. I also like latex better than neoprene.
Big Jay:
Ok. I bought a used BAre CD4 pro dry off ebay for a good price. The wrist latex seals are tight, but ok.

I am a bodybuilder type build and have a pretty large neck.

Anyway, the neck seal that is neoprene is WAY too tight. I know this because me head turns bright red and i get dizzy (restricted blood flow) with it on.

What should i do?

Should i put something in there to expand it a little?

Should i cut a small ring out and then try it on for size.

Everything with the suit fits nice except for the neck seal.

Hey Jay,
Put the neck seal over your tank the night before you dive,DONT DIVE WITH IT TIGHT! YOU WILL DIE!!!!
sometimes you can cut it back,but if its still to tight take it to a dry suit shop for a new seal and they will size your neck.
From the sounds of it the seal needs to be changed. You're a fair sized guy, so going to latex isn't going to freeze you and I'm sure that you'll be a lot more comfortable in a latex neck seal rather then neoprene. Get into a shop that knows what they are doing and get an opinion from them, they should be able to help you out. Oh and welcome to dry suit diving.
First, don't dive with it too tight. I don't remember the entire reasoning behind it, but there's something in your brain that measures blood pressure and when the seal is too tight, it causes your body to attempt to overcome the restriction. I beleive it can cause a heart attack or stroke.

Next, try trimming off maybe an 1/8 of an inch at a time from the seal until it's confortable. If you screw it up or take off too much you'll need to replace it, but since you're thinking of replacing it anyway, it isn't much of a loss.

It needs to be tight enough to not leak, which really isn't very tight. When it fits, it should be comfortable, like you could wear it for hours, not like someone is choking you.


Big Jay:
Ok. I bought a used BAre CD4 pro dry off ebay for a good price. The wrist latex seals are tight, but ok.

I am a bodybuilder type build and have a pretty large neck.

Anyway, the neck seal that is neoprene is WAY too tight. I know this because me head turns bright red and i get dizzy (restricted blood flow) with it on.

What should i do?

Should i put something in there to expand it a little?

Should i cut a small ring out and then try it on for size.

Everything with the suit fits nice except for the neck seal.
Thanks for the advice guys. New to this whole drysuit thing.

Just trying to get all the bugs worked out. I need to take a dry suit diving course soon as i make sure everything is good to go. Plus i need some undergarments...sheesh this sport is expensive.
Big Jay:
Thanks for the advice guys. New to this whole drysuit thing.

Just trying to get all the bugs worked out. I need to take a dry suit diving course soon as i make sure everything is good to go. Plus i need some undergarments...sheesh this sport is expensive.

It is expensive, but unlike other activities, it only has to be expensive for a little while.

Regs and steel tanks will last long enough to give to your grandchildren if you take care of them. Fins, drysuits and masks last a really long time.

Once you have all your own stuff, diving only has to cost a few dollars for an air fill and the gas to get to the dive site.

Web Monkey:
It is expensive, but unlike other activities, it only has to be expensive for a little while......

diving only has to cost a few dollars for an air fill and the gas to get to the dive site.

Both of which are going up before our eyes!

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