I haven't had a navel piercing... everyone had one when I was in school... mostly done with safety pins (ewww) so it was never a very appealing piercing. Besides that it does take longer than any other piercing to heal.
Salt water is good for healing piercings, but AVOID fresh water & pools. MMM... infections.
As for catching, well, like I said I haven't had the navel done, but catching a piercing even after it has healed is excruciating, so just have her be careful.
I've been dying for a new piercing since I had to get rid of my labret due to gum recession well over a year ago. I really want a vertical labret or a regular lip ring but figure that if my reg were to snag on one........ it might hurt just a tad..... *passes out at the very thought*
Refer her to www.tribalectic.com for further piercing questions. And make certain to find a reputable piercer.
Salt water is good for healing piercings, but AVOID fresh water & pools. MMM... infections.
As for catching, well, like I said I haven't had the navel done, but catching a piercing even after it has healed is excruciating, so just have her be careful.
I've been dying for a new piercing since I had to get rid of my labret due to gum recession well over a year ago. I really want a vertical labret or a regular lip ring but figure that if my reg were to snag on one........ it might hurt just a tad..... *passes out at the very thought*
Refer her to www.tribalectic.com for further piercing questions. And make certain to find a reputable piercer.