Nautilus CCR

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Just picked up the new 'immersed' last night with an article on RBs. Not the best I've read (the Inspiration has an integrated deco computer? no mention of the Infinito?). But it does have a couple of pics and a few words about the Nautilus CCR. Check it out at , what do you think?

Also not mentioned was the Predator CCR. Anybody have any info or links?

Wish you all a happy, safe and bubble-free weekend.
Did you take them? If so you might want to check with Janwillem, the diver who has The Rebreather Website ( ). He might be very intrested to post them. He's always looking for new or rare stuff.

So what do you think?
I like the idea of fiberoptic cables and magnetic switches to prevent flooding. I also like the dual pressure gauge and display console better than the two on the Inspiration. Easier to view and less clutter.

I don't like the bulk coming from the back-mounted, encased breathing bags. It's nice to have them protected inside a wreck, or out of the way when using a large housing, but then I like the sleeker KISS design much better. Moreover, breathing resistance is highter. Also, I don't like the tank valves up. That probably works on the RB80, and would likely work on the Meg or Topaz, where the tanks are off center but right on your back. But with the fat case that has the counterlungs between you and the tanks it looks very hard to reach.

Overall, those are some major setbacks in my book. On the other hand, if they can keep the price on target (2K less than APD) they might get somewhere. On the other hand SoS is targeting the same spot, they have a dealer network, and probably a bunch of people who would like to trade up from their Azimuths. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I took a truck load fc ccr photos at DEMA in Vegas.....

The Nautilus has top mounted valves but lever that turn them from outside the unit if I recall per my photos....
Just got an email from one of the people directly involved with this CCR. It looks like it will now be available at the end of this year at a retail cost of $5,000.00

5g' that aint too bad for a CCR.
As both the article in 'immersed' and the website says, Peter & Sharon Ready are involved in the rig. Drysuitdave send a picture of the unit to JWBech, who posted it on his site. You can clearly see the scrubber, which is the same as the Prism's. I saw the Readys last week when I got the Prism Intro (more in a new thread soon) and they said as much. The Nautilus was developed for cavers by cavers, hence the cover containing everything but the hoses and DSV. Peter's scrubber design is probably the best one out there right now, and it's well tested. So that is certainly a great starting point. But that rig is massive ... :( . On the other hand if they can really keep the price at 2/3 of the current and established rigs they're on to something. It'll be intresting to see if OMG will get their Nemesis at that same target price (and that one should be CE'ed, and is supposed to have scrubber monitoring), and if that will affect APD's pricing.
DrySuitDave once bubbled...
The Nautilus has top mounted valves but lever that turn them from outside
You're right, they've got remote knobs like some of the OMS twin seperation valves that end up almost directly behind the divers head. Looks a bit odd, but I'm sure they can reach them there.
By the way, thanks for sending JW the pics, and to JW as always for posting them. :)

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